UKHomeOffice-attic / hof-controllers

A collection of controllers commonly used in HOF
MIT License
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This module is now deprecated and has been superceded by the following modules:

The form, base and start controllers have been removed and functionality has been moved back into hof-form-wizard.

Please see the hof guide for more information.

A collection of controllers extended from passports-form-wizard Wizard, Form Controller:



var controllers = require('hof-controllers');

Base Controller

Accessed as base from hof-controllers

var baseController = require('hof-controllers').base;

Extends from passports-form-wizard Wizard, Form Controller.

Added functionality for clearing sessions

  clearSession: true,
  /* step options */

Handles edit actions.

In the wizard options

  hofWizard(steps, fields, {
    /* wizard options */
    params: '/:action?'

In the view template

a href='page_name/edit'

Or override in step options

  continueOnEdit: true
  /* step options */

Locals for pluralisation

Adds single or multiple to the locals to describe the number of errors for pluralisation of error messages.

Locals for page info

Exposes meta to templates

Add a locals object to step config to expose configurable key/value pairs in the template. Useful for generating template partials programmatically. These will override any locals provided further up the tree.

Steps config

'/step-name': {
  locals: {
    pageTitle: 'Page Title'
    foo: 'bar'


<div class="{{foo}}"></div>

Exposes fields to templates

Fields given in step config will be exposed to the template along with a mixin if defined in field config. This can be used with the renderField mixin to programmatically generate templates.


steps: {
  'step-1': {
    fields: [


fields: {
  'field-1': {
    mixin: 'input-text',
  'field-2': {
    mixin: 'radio-group',

exposed to templates in format:

fields: [{
  key: 'field-1',
  mixin: 'input-text'
}, {
  key: 'field-2',
  mixin: 'radio-group'

Handles journey forking

Each step definition accepts a next property, the value of which is the next route in the journey. By default, when the form is successfully submitted, the next steps will load. However, there are times when it is necessary to fork from the current journey based on a users response to certain questions in a form. For such circumstances there exists the forks property.

In this example, when the submits the form, if the field called 'example-radio' has the value 'superman', the page at '/fork-page' will load, otherwise '/next-page' will be loaded.

'/my-page': {
  next: '/next-page',
  forks: [{
    target: '/fork-page',
    condition: {
      field: 'example-radio',
      value: 'superman'

The condition property can also take a function. In the following example, if the field called 'name' is more than 30 characters in length, the page at '/fork-page' will be loaded.

'/my-page': {
  next: '/next-page',
  forks: [{
    target: '/fork-page',
    condition: function (req, res) {
      return req.form.values['name'].length > 30;

Forks is an array and therefore each fork is interrogated in order from top to bottom. The last fork whose condition is met will assign its target to the next page variable.

In this example, if the last condition resolves to true - even if the others also resolve to true - then the page at '/fork-page-three' will be loaded. The last condition to be met is always the fork used to determine the next step.

'/my-page': {
  next: '/next-page',
  forks: [{
    target: '/fork-page-one',
    condition: function (req, res) {
      return req.form.values['name'].length > 30;
  }, {
    target: '/fork-page-two',
    condition: {
      field: 'example-radio',
      value: 'superman'
  }, {
    target: '/fork-page-three',
    condition: function (req, res) {
      return typeof req.form.values['email'] === 'undefined';

Date Controller

Accessed as from hof-controllers

var dateController = require('hof-controllers').date;

Extends from require('hof-controllers').base;

Date validation

In this example, the 'my-date' fields will only validate if they contain non-numeric characters.

  'my-date': {
    validate: ['numeric']

Note: In the preceding example the field is not required and will not error on empty values.

Extend and override validateField

If you want a shared date field to be required, but on a particular page wish it to be optional, validateField will accept a third parameter called isRequired. This will allow the date field to be optional unless the user enters a value, in which case an appropriate message will be shown.

MyController.prototype.validateField = function validateField(keyToValidate, req) {
  return, keyToValidate, req, false);

Formats date

Error Controller

A simple wrapper around require('hmpo-form-wizard').Error; to make it easier to extend and customise error behaviour on error.


To extend the functionality of a controller call the parent constructor and use node util to inherit the prototype;

this.dateKey is the value of the date field that the controller will process. The value of the this.dateKey must match the name of the date field. Read more about date fields

var DateController = function DateController() {
  this.dateKey = 'my-date';
  Controller.apply(this, arguments);

util.inherits(DateController, Controller);

Confirm Controller

Extends the base controller's locals method to provide data in a format suitable for generating a summary table and email.

Accessed as confirm from hof-controllers.

var confirmController = require('hof-controllers').confirm;

Extends from require('hof-controllers').base


In step options

'/confirm': {
  controller: require('hof-controllers').confirm,
  fieldsConfig: require('./path/to/fields/config'),
  emailConfig: require('../../config').email,
  customerEmailField: 'email-address' // the id of the user's email address field

In config page template

  {{> partials-summary-table}} <!-- {{name}}, {{value}}, {{origValue}} and {{step}} are available in this scope -->

This assumes all steps containing fields have a section - locals.section, this is used to group fields in the confirm table and the email.


Translations will be looked up automatically if located at the correct path. For section headers this is pages.{section}.summary which falls back to pages.{section}.header.

For fields the path is fields.{field}.summary which falls back firstly to fields.{field}.label then to fields.{field}.legend.

If the lookup fails the the section id or the field id are used.



The renderField mixin can be called in your template with the field to render as the scope. This will lookup the field.mixin in res.locals and call it passing the field key.


conditionally rendering fields

renderField supports conditionally omitting fields if useWhen is passed in field config. useWhen accepts another field key String and checks the value is true, or an Object with the keys field and value. The field to check cannot appear on the same step - consider using the toggle property to show/hide a field on the same step.

'field-1': {
  useWhen: 'field-2'

field-1 will only be included if field-2 value is true

'field-3': {
  useWhen: {
    field: 'field-4',
    value: 'a-value'

field-3 will only be included if field-4 value is a-value

Use case

When a field on a multiple-step form is only to be included depending on the outcome of a previous answer. In the below example dependant-field is only included on step-2 if dependent-radio on step-1 is 'yes';


  '/step-1': {
    fields: [
  '/step-2': {
    fields: [


  'dependent-radio': {
    options: ['yes', 'no']
  'dependant-field': {
    useWhen: {
      field: 'dependant-field',
      value: 'yes'
  'regular-field': {}


$ npm test