UKPLab / argument-reasoning-comprehension-task

The Argument Reasoning Comprehension Task: Source codes & Datasets
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The Argument Reasoning Comprehension Task: Identification and Reconstruction of Implicit Warrants

Source code, data, and supplementary materials for our NAACL 2018 paper and for SemEval 2018 shared task. Use the following citation if you use any of the code or the data set:

  title     = {The Argument Reasoning Comprehension Task: Identification
               and Reconstruction of Implicit Warrants},
  author    = {Habernal, Ivan and Wachsmuth, Henning and
               Gurevych, Iryna and Stein, Benno},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter
               of the Association for Computational Linguistics:
               Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)},
  pages     = {1930--1940},
  month     = jun,
  year      = {2018},
  address   = {New Orleans, Louisiana},
  url       = {}

Abstract Reasoning is a crucial part of natural language argumentation. To comprehend an argument, one must analyze its warrant, which explains why its claim follows from its premises. As arguments are highly contextualized, warrants are usually presupposed and left implicit. Thus, the comprehension does not only require language understanding and logic skills, but also depends on common sense. In this paper we develop a methodology for reconstructing warrants systematically. We operationalize it in a scalable crowdsourcing process, resulting in a freely licensed dataset with warrants for 2k authentic arguments from news comments. On this basis, we present a new challenging task, the argument reasoning comprehension task. Given an argument with a claim and a premise, the goal is to choose the correct implicit warrant from two options. Both warrants are plausible and lexically close, but lead to contradicting claims. A solution to this task will define a substantial step towards automatic warrant reconstruction. However, experiments with several neural attention and language models reveal that current approaches do not suffice.

For license information, see LICENSE and NOTICE.txt. This repository contains experimental software and is published for the sole purpose of giving additional background details on the respective publication.

SemEval2018 Data

Data for SemEval are in a simple plaintext tab-separated format. The first line is a comment (column headers) and each line is then a single instance in the following form:

id warrant0 warrant1 correctLabelW0orW1 reason claim debateTitle debateInfo
9975147_345_A34QZDSTKZ3JO9 scholarships would give women a chance to study scholarships would take women from the home 0 Miss America gives honors and education scholarships. Miss America is good for women There She Is, Miss America In 1968, feminists gathered in Atlantic City to protest the Miss America pageant, calling it racist and sexist. Is this beauty contest bad for women?

where warrant0 and warrant1 are warrant and alternative warrant. If correctLabelW0orW1 is 0, then warrant0 is correct (thus the warrant) and warrant1 is incorrect (thus the alternative warrant) for this particular argument. Similarly, if correctLabelW0orW1 is 1, then warrant0 is the alternative warrant and thus incorrect, and warrant1 is the warrant and thus correct.

How to understand the task?

Reason. And since warrant, claim.

From the example above, we can construct this argument:

Miss America gives honors and education scholarships. And since scholarships would give women a chance to study, Miss America is good for women

is the correct explanation, as warrant0 is labeled as correct in the data. Using warrant1 would lead to an inconsistent (or simply wrong) argument:

Miss America gives honors and education scholarships. And since scholarships would take women from the home, Miss America is good for women

There are the following files:


where "full" means the file contains both data and gold labels as shown above, "only-labels" are just IDs and labels, and "only-data" are data without gold labels. The "only-data" variant will be provided for the test data.

"w-swap-full" is a double-sized training data; each instance is shown twice - on the first line the ordering of warrant0 and warrant1 is left as in the original data, on the second line the ordering is swapped.


Module roomfordebate

roomfordebate contains utilities for crawling articles and debates from the Room for Debate (RFD) site of NYT

Technical details

3-rd party licenses

Room for debate - legal information

Module model

Module segmenter

Module corpus-creation

Classes Step0*

These classes provide filtering of the RFD comments and their linguistic preprocessing (sentence and EDU splitting). Segmentation to EDU must be done in three steps, relying on the other module segmenter.

The output is a single big file mturk/annotation-task/data/arguments-with-full-segmentation-rfd.xml.gz.

Other files

mturk/annotation-task/archive-hits-pilots-etc is an archive of pilot HIT tasks, intermediate tasks, and also many unsuccessful attempts that eventually did not work.


Available data

All the following files are located in the mturk/annotation-task/data folder.

Stance detection

22-stance-batch-0001-5000-all.xml.gz gold-annotated data after the first step (Stance annotation). The statistics are

Value                                          Freq.       Pct.
Annotated with one of the two stances          2884        58%
The same as above but also sarcastic argument   481        10%
Takes both stances but remains neutral          285         6%
The same as above but also sarcastic             18         0%
No stance (independent of sarcasm)             1083        22%
Discarded by MACE                               249         5%

22-stance-batch-0001-5000-only-with-clear-stances.xml.gz then contains 2884 non-sarcastic arguments that take one of the two stances in the XML format.

We also provide 3365 stance-taking arguments (including sarcastic ones) exported in a tab-separated plain text format in mturk/annotation-task/data/exported-3365-stance-taking-arguments.tsv.

For those interested in a 3-way stance detection (stance1, stance2, no-stance), we also exported 4448 comments which is a superset of the 3365 stance-taking arguments described above. This file contains additional 1083 posts annotated as having no stance (they might or might not be sarcastic), see mturk/annotation-task/data/exported-4448-comments-incl-no-stance.tsv

Reason spans and reason gist

32-reasons-batch-0001-5000-2026args-gold.xml.gz is the output of the second step (Reason span annotations) and contains 2026 arguments annotated with gold-labeled reason spans. Internally, annotations in the XML file are embedded in UIMA format which is serialized into Base64 encoding (maybe not the 'cleanest' solution but working fine). For working with the annotations, DKPro framework is used internally. Nevertheless, the content can be easily accessed by calling getJCas() and setJCas() in StandaloneArgument (see for example Step2dGoldReasonStatistics).

Reason spans (or premise spans, use these two term interchangeably) are annotated using BIO tagging which means that each EDU (Elementary Discourse Unit) is labeled as Premise-B (beginning of the span), Premise-I (inside the span), and O (not in a reason). The gold label for each EDU is then computed by MACE without taking the context EDUs into consideration. Gold labels of some EDUs cannot be estimated reliably (have high entropy, see the original MACE paper) and are thus ignored, depending on the threshold value configured in MACE. If an argument contains at least one EDU for which the gold label cannot be estimated, this argument is discarded completely from the gold collection in order to keep high-quality annotations. Furthermore, after manual examination we discarded a couple of arguments labeled with more than six reasons.

From the 2882 input arguments (by mistake, we annotated two arguments fewer than 2884 as stays in the paper), 856 were discarded using this process resulting into 2026 annotated with reason spans.

Statistics of the data are computed in Step2dGoldReasonStatistics which shows a distribution of number of reasons spans per argument:

Arguments: 2026

Reasons per argument:
Value   Freq.    Pct. 
0         44      2%
1        372     18%
2        665     33%
3        539     27%
4        264     13%
5        108      5%
6         34      2%

Mean: 2.527 (std-dev 1.237)
Argument reason spans total: 5119

Notice that there are 44 argument in which no explicit reasons supporting the stance were identified.

42-reasons-gist-batch-0001-5000-4294reasons.xml.gz is the output of writing gist of each reason in arguments. Each premise in the argument is annotated with the gist property (using ArgumentUnitUtils.setProperty() method). Some premises were identified as not being an actual reason, there are labeled with a property not-a-reason. In total, 1927 arguments with 4294 gists are annotated.

2026 arguments were originally to be annotated
Original reason statistics:
IntSummaryStatistics{count=2026, sum=5119, min=0, average=2,526654, max=6}
1927 arguments are in the output dataset
Reason with gist statistics:
LongSummaryStatistics{count=1927, sum=4294, min=1, average=2,228334, max=6}

Thus for an argument mining system that detects argument components (premises, in this case), there are 1,927 arguments (documents) available with 4,294 premises in total. Each contains 2,23 premise spans on average along with a summarized gist of each premise. These arguments are exported in the UIMA XMI format compatible with DKPro-Argumentation together with a CSV file with all relevant meta-data. The files are in exported-1927-arguments-with-gold-reasons-xmi.tar.bz2 and were produced by Step3dExportGistToXMIFiles. These can be easily converted for example into BIO-annotations to perform argument component identification as sequence labeling, see the example in DKPro-Argumentation. We exported the data in CoNLL format, see below.

Reason disambiguation

61-reason-disambiguation-batch-0001-5000-4235reasons.xml.gz is the output of reason disambiguation (step 4). Each premise is annotated with one of the following categories:

Saving 1919 arguments with 4235 disambiguated premises
Value               Freq.  Pct. 
BOTH_POSSIBLE        996    24%
OPPOSITE             679    16%
ORIGINAL            1955    46%

Only those premises with "ORIGINAL" stance are used for the later experiments. It means, these premises heavily presuppose the overall stance so it's possible to draw it directly from it.

Argument Component Identification in CoNLL format (BIO)

Reason (premises) spans are also directly available in plain-text files using a CoNLL tab-separated format. The following example is taken from 2264611.txt:

Many    O
TFA    O
folks    O
are    O
feeling    O
defensive    O
these    O
days    O
.    O
The    Premise-B
program    Premise-I
promises    Premise-I
more    Premise-I
than    Premise-I
it    Premise-I
can    Premise-I
deliver    Premise-I
.    Premise-I
the    Premise-I
silver    Premise-I
bullet    Premise-I
for    Premise-I
all    Premise-I
education's    Premise-I
problems    Premise-I
.    Premise-I
There    Premise-B
is    Premise-I
nothing    Premise-I
wrong    Premise-I
with    Premise-I
leaving    Premise-I
education    Premise-I

Each line contains a single token, a tab-character, and the corresponding BIO label.

Folder mturk/annotation-task/data/exported-1927-arguments-with-gold-reasons-conll contains 1,927 exported arguments with annotated premises in this format along with metatada.csv containing all relevant meta-data information for each file. The files were exported using de.tudarmstadt.ukp.experiments.exports.Step2eExportPremisesBIOEncoding.

Crowd labeling sequences - data for agreement experiments

exported-reason-spans-pilot-group1.csv and exported-reason-spans-pilot-group2.csv are crowd worker annotations from the pilot for reason span annotation; each item was labeled by 18 workers. The items correspond to EDU (Elementary Discourse Units) and the labels are BIO tags. Each item has thus 18 assignments.

The assignments are split to two groups (9+9) given by the submission time, so two files for two groups of workers are created; see the paper for details about this setup.

The output format is a simple self-explaining CSV file, in the following format

12014246_00,-,O,O,O,-,-,-,O,-,O,-,-,-,O,Premise-B,-,O, ...
12014246_01,-,Premise-B,Premise-B,Premise-B,-,-,-,O,-,O,-, ...
12014246_02,-,Premise-I,Premise-I,Premise-I,-,-,-,O,-,O,-,-, ...
12014246_03,-,Premise-I,Premise-I,Premise-B,-,-,-,O,-,O,-,-,-, ...

where the columns are worker IDs, rows are composed of "argumentId_EDUid" (so they are ordered sequences of EDUs as in the original texts), and the values are "Premise-B", "Premise-I", "O" or "-" if no value is available for this worker (which means that the worker did not work on this task).

Abstractive argument summarization

Folder exported-1927-summarized-arguments contains a single tab-separated file with 1,927 arguments and their abstractive summaries. The summaries were created by compiling gists of the reasons thus convey the most important information from the argument. All relevant metadata are stored in metadata.csv.

Running Python experiments


Requirements: Python 3.X, virtualenv package

Install Keras, NLTK, scikit and other libraries in the virtual environment.

This experiments use Theano as Kereas' backend and haven't been tested with TensorFlow.

$ cd experiments/src/main/python
$ virtualenv env-python3-keras110 --python=python3
$ source env-python3-keras110/bin/activate
$ pip3 install Keras==1.1.0 nltk==3.1 scikit-learn==0.17.1 pydot-ng==1.0.0 pydot==1.2.2

Note: if pip3 fails due to a bad interpreter, call it by using $ python env-python3-keras110/bin/pip instead.

Install Gensim for converting word2vec binary to txt (optional)

$ pip3 install gensim==0.13.2

Setting up a HPC cluster (caveats)

$ module load python intel graphviz
$ pip3 install --user Keras==1.1.0 nltk==3.1 scikit-learn==0.17.1

Running experiments

$ cd experiments/src/main/python
$ KERAS_BACKEND=theano python