UM-ARM-Lab / gpu_voxel_planning

Brad's library for PhD research on CHS, BTP, and other voxel-based planning approaches using ARMLabs Victor robot
3 stars 1 forks source link



  1. Install gpu-voxels

    • Install Cuda Drivers (Works with Cuda 9.1, has failed with Cuda 8.0 and Cuda 10.0)
    • Install required libraries
    • Patch the GLM visualizer (still needed as of 01/01/18)
    • Follow the Usage as a library instructions and update CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in your .bashrc file


  2. Install armlab dependencies:

Running live demo

In different terminals run

  1. roscore
  2. rviz. Load the .rviz config file here
  3. Startup Real Victor
    1. ssh realtime
    2. rcblizzard (or source the appropriate computer for ros master),
    3. roslaunch gpu_voxel_models dual_arm_lcm_bridge.launch. NOTE! This is not the standard roslauch victor_hardware_interface dual_arm_lcm_bridge.launch. Also note, victor_hardware_interface/dual_arm_lcm_bridge.launch may change. master of Jan 2020 works.
  4. roslaunch gpu_voxel_planning real_victor_setup.launch
  5. rosrun gpu_voxel_planning live_demo