UM-ARM-Lab / vr_teleop

[ROS 1] Teleop control of dual arm robots using virtual reality devices
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This repo is old, and connects to ROS 1 only. For ROS2 connectivity, use

VR teleop for unity:

This is the ROS portion of the armlabs VR teleopeartion suite. You will also need the Unity package. You can find further explanation on the wiki.

flow diagram

Videos of the Robot operated using this software can be found on Youtube:



How to run:

(This is a quick reference. See the tutorials for more detailed instructions)

You will need

Currently in the armlab you will need the computer armor. You will also need the computer realtime and loki if you are running the physical robot.

On the windows computer (Armor)

  1. Connect HTC Vive to computer (or plug in battery if using wireless)
  2. (If using wireless) Launch VIVE Wireless
  3. Launch SteamVR

    1. Launch Steam
    2. Click on Library > VR
    3. Select SteamVR and click play

    If you are running SteamVR for first time, please start the SteamVR room setup to calibrate the device.

On the linux computer running ROS (The linux VM inside Armor)

Note in this example the computer loki is connected to the Kinect. realtime provides the interface to the physical robot.

Terminal 1:

ssh loki

Terminal 2:

ssh realtime
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://loki.local:11311
roslaunch victor_hardware_interface dual_arm_lcm_bridge.launch

Terminal 3:

ssh loki
roslaunch mps_launch_files kinect_vicon_real_robot.launch pov:="victor_head" fps_limit:="10"

Terminal 4:

export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://loki.local:11311
rosrun dual_arm_teleop
roslaunch unity_launch_files unity_setup.launch

Note: Current version mismatch. Need to edit victor_utils. Delete the / from the service call name. Then export ROS_NAMESPACE=/victor

(Note, if make_victor_fast fails, check that the Victor robot is in impedance mode)

Back on the Windows computer (Armor)

  1. Launch unity, and open the project unity_victor_teleop
  2. Check that the IP is correct. RosBridgeSettings from the unity panel must match the IP from the linux computer running the unity setup (The IP of the vm on armor, which you can see using ifconfig). The form is ws://
  3. Play the unity environment



The controls for operating the robot are as follows:

  1. Menu button -
  2. Trackpad
  3. System button
  4. Status light
  5. Micro-USB port
  6. Tracking sensor
  7. Trigger - open and close the grippers
  8. Grip button - "Grab" the robot arm
