UMB-CS682-Team-02 / tracker

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Roundup Tracker


Roundup Tracker is an issue-tracking system designed for knowledge workers. It serves as a versatile tool for creating various types of trackers, including:

Roundup comes with predefined trackers that are customizable to suit your workflow. These include:

Users can interact with the system (create, read, update, close issues) via a web interface or email. Additionally, Roundup can be managed programmatically via REST, XMLRPC, CLI, or through local Python scripts.

For a comprehensive guide, refer to the User's Guide.

Instant Gratification

If you're eager to try Roundup, you can quickly get started by running from the source directory:

bash python

This will create a new tracker home in the "demo" subdirectory and start a web server. To reset the demo instance:

bash python nuke

For more details, see the "For the Really Impatient" section of the installation document, or use the Docker demo mode.

Tracker Home

The "Tracker Home" is a central concept in Roundup. It refers to the directory where all your tracker data is stored. This directory is created each time a new tracker is initialized and includes the tracker configuration, database, templates, schema, and extensions.


To install Roundup, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv roundup
    . roundup/bin/activate
    python -m pip install roundup
  2. Start a test demo instance:

    bash roundup-demo 

For detailed installation instructions and deploying a production instance, see the Installation Guide.


For upgrade instructions, please refer to doc/upgrading.txt.

Security Issues

To report security issues, follow the directions in doc/security.txt.

Other Information

For additional documentation, start with the index.txt file in the "doc" directory. These files are written in reStructuredText, which can be converted into HTML format using Sphinx:

python build_doc 

The resulting HTML files will be located in the share/doc/roundup/html directory.


If you'd like to contribute to Roundup, please read the doc/developers.txt file. This document outlines the project rules, how to set up a development environment, and how to submit patches and tests.


For support or to contact the developers, visit the Roundup Contact Page.


Roundup is licensed under the MIT, Zope version 2, and Python Software Foundation version 2 licenses. For more information, see the COPYING.txt file.