UMD-ARLIS / Graph-Benchmarking-Project

This repository contains work towards creating a comprehensive cross-platform graph processing benchmark for Community Detection and Subgraph Isomorphism problems. The repository is NOT YET COMPLETE and should not be used outside of a preliminary development perspective.
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Parallel Louvain for GPU is empty // handle situation where code is the same. #30

Open osullik opened 11 months ago

osullik commented 11 months ago

The GPU Louvain Parallel directory is empty.

Since we are using the same code in serial and parallel we shouldn't replicate it. To fix the issue we should:

  1. Fix the community structure per issue #27
  2. Figure out a way to add a metadata file to the directory that our experiment runner will look for to figure out how to run the parallel code in serial when we need to. (or something similar).