UMD-ARLIS / Graph-Benchmarking-Project

This repository contains work towards creating a comprehensive cross-platform graph processing benchmark for Community Detection and Subgraph Isomorphism problems. The repository is NOT YET COMPLETE and should not be used outside of a preliminary development perspective.
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This repository contains work towards creating a comprehensive cross-platform graph processing benchmark for Community Detection and Subgraph Isomorphism problems.

The repository is NOT YET COMPLETE and should not be used outside of a preliminary development perspective.

For information about the work being undertaken here, please contact

Useful Links:

Project Github

Project Google Drive

Project Overleaf (LaTeX)

Repo Structure:


Contains all files relevant to papers, presentations etc. Primarily LaTeX. Included the bibliography file.


Contains all code relevant to the solving the problem at hand. Primarily C, little bit of python. Possibly some assembly, depending how unlucky we get.


Contains trivial code examples for testing. Also contains scripts and instructions for generating larger datasets.

Initial Setup

To be completed.