UMM-CSci-3601-S17 / digital-display-garden-iteration-2-grimaldi

digital-display-garden-iteration-2-grimaldi created by GitHub Classroom
MIT License
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Digital Display Garden

Build Status Software Design S2017, Iteration 2, Team Grimaldi

This repository is a fork from Iteration 1 , Team Claude Arabo.


Cloning the project inside IntelliJ:

:fire: If IntelliJ ever prompts you to compile typescript files into javascript say no!. Doing this will confuse webpack and break the client side of your project during build. No permanent damage will be done, but it's pretty annoying to deal with.

When you load the project on a new machine, tell Gradle to Refresh linked Gradle projects.

Running your project

Run the server
Run the client

If you have data in the database from a previous version it would be best to drop() the test database. In order to populate the database

Attempted or Completed Stories

Finished by Claude Arabo


Libraries used



Source of branches at end of Iteration 2

Most of these branches can be deleted in the next Iterations' forks of this repo.
