UNCG-CSE / Volag

Volitatation <-- (ability of flight) + lag = delayed flight
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Volitatation <-- (ability of flight) + lag = delayed flight

Take airline delay causes and times, correlate it with weather data and use this to build a model which predicts whether or not a flight will be delayed (how likely) and possibly how long the flight is likely to be delayed. It's possible that we can predict based on other delay factors other than weather delays. Mechanical, security, etc. We could also provide information on which airlines have the most delays (we would do better to go back and use more years of data for this), which airlines have delays based on mechanical issues more frequently, or security delays, etc. Essentially comparing airlines' quality based on delay variety and frequency.



Daily weather data by year

Flight delay causes 2015

Python ML analysis of flight delays 2015

15 minute precipitation data