UNDP-Data / geo-cogserver

GeoHub COG server
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

Geohub's COGserver

GeoHub COG server is powering UNDP GeoHub visualization of raster datasets

COG server builds on titiler a customisable dynamic raster tiling. It contains following components:

Additionally, COG server aims to hold generic and specific titiler algos intended to provide a geospatial analytics toolbox

versioning & realeases

As per titiler's recommendation COGserver employs the titiler's API to build a customised server and keeps its own versioning system.

Releases ca be created by:

a) pushing tags

  1. commit your changes in a branch

            git checkout -b branch_name
            git add .
            git commit -m "a message"
  2. make and merge the branch through a PR
  3. create a local tag and push it to remote
          git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "v0.0.1"
          git push --tag
  4. potentially delete/overwrite
          git push --delete origin v0.0.1 #remote
          git tag -d v0.0.1 #local

    local development

The server's config variables are defined in .env. To create .env file, please copy env.example file by using the command of cp .env.example .env. By passing this file at runtime to docker-compose the server can be started using:

 docker-compose --env-file .env up --build

 docker compose  run --build --rm --service-ports  cogserver

gdal_rio.env contains several important environmental variables. SOme oare related to teh server/fastapi components while other to the GDAL/rasterio machinery


These two variables control the hostname and port number of the local dev server when started.

The Dockerfile contains two more environmental variables that control the behavious of the server

ENV RELOAD=--reload

The RELOAD if left empty will result in reloading being turned off which is desirable for production