UNHCR-Guatemala / A2SIT

Admin2 Severity Index Tool
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This is the repository for the Admin2 Severity Index Tool (A2SIT). The A2SIT is a Shiny web app built in R which allows users to upload data and build a severity index.

:warning: The A2SIT is currently under development... :construction:


Although the final aim is to host the A2SIT online, the A2SIT app is encapsulated in an R package, so it can be installed and run locally (as long as you have R installed). To do this, run (in R):


Note this requires the 'remotes' package.

The app is currently in a beta testing phase, which means it is fully-functional but may still contain some bugs and may be updated.

Running the app

The prototype is accessible @ https://rstudio.unhcr.org/SeverityIndex/

To run the app locally, after installing the A2SIT package, run:



Note that an example data set can be found at the directory specified by system.file("data_module-input.xlsx", package = "A2SIT"), or you can download the file here.


The A2SIT app is documented in an online book:

:blue_book: A2SIT Online Book

The functions in the package are also available online:

:question: Function documentation