UOL-COLS / ProcessingPAL

Processing PAL is an application (Java) to process data collected from the activPAL device.
MIT License
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Processing PAL not analysing #10

Open PeterMCUH opened 2 months ago

PeterMCUH commented 2 months ago


I have downloaded Processing PAL and other software required and am able to open it.

However when I select event files (9 files) to analyse, the 'In progress' bar indicates that the analysis is taking place but it never completes (have left it run overnight).

I am using a Windows 10 Pro laptop.



Maylor8 commented 2 months ago

Hi @PeterMCUH, can you please provide the following to enable me to find out the issue for you? You can upload on here or emaill me directly at if you prefer to keep it private:

I will then check this for you.

Maylor8 commented 2 months ago

@shashidarette Issue fixed and can be closed

airlij commented 1 month ago

Hi @Maylor8 @PeterMCUH

I am having a similar issue.

I removed some "surplus data" from the events files (i.e deleted rows of data where I knew the monitor was not worn by a participant) and I have the same issue Peter describes - files are not analysing (irrespective of how many I upload). I have checked, and files I have not edited do analyse.

Does this mean the only way to remove surplus data (i.e. when the activPAL was recording outside of the known monitoring period) is via manual corrections?



Maylor8 commented 1 month ago

@airlij this could be a completely different issue. Please can you provide the info that of Peter and email it to me at: Removing rows of data like you have done is completely possible so it's likely a different issue.

airlij commented 1 month ago

Thanks for replying so quickly @Maylor8 . I will email now :)

Maylor8 commented 1 month ago

@shashidarette this has also been fixed now, so please close the issue when you can because I can't.

Maylor8 commented 1 month ago

@shashidarette My email to you in response to this is getting rejected due to your mailbox being full. Can you please email me when this is sorted and I'll re-send my email

ACharlotteBell commented 1 month ago

Hi Ben,

I am having the same issue as above, I've followed the pdf instructions, but it just states it is 'in progress' for a long time with no change. Please advise :)

Maylor8 commented 1 month ago

Hi @ACharlotteBell, can you please provide the same info mentioned here: Both o the above issues were for different reasons that had different solutions so I'm unable to advise until I have more info.

Maylor8 commented 1 month ago

@shashidarette has been resolved too.