UOL-COLS / ProcessingPAL

Processing PAL is an application (Java) to process data collected from the activPAL device.
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activepal diabetes-research-centre nihr processingpal university-of-leicester


Processing PAL has been developed by Charlotte Edwardson (Diabetes Research Centre, University of Leicester (UK) and NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre) and Shashidar Ette (University of Leicester, UK).

Processing PAL is an application (Java) to process data collected from the activPAL device. This application uses the events.csv files. It uses a validated algorithm to isolate valid waking wear data from everything else e.g., time in bed (which includes sleep), prolonged non-wear and invalid data with no distinction made between these. This algorithm and its validation is described in detail here:

Elisabeth AH Winkler, Danielle H Bodicoat, Genevieve N Healy, Kishan Bakrania, Thomas Yates, Neville Owen, David W Dunstan, Charlotte L Edwardson. Identifying adults’ valid waking wear time by automated estimation in activPAL data collected with a 24 h wear protocol. Physiological Measurement. 2016; 37:10.

The full text of the article can be access here:

Features of the Processing PAL application: