UQComputingSociety / uqcsbot-discord

:mortar_board: UQCSbot: Our friendly little Discord bot
MIT License
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UQCSbot is our friendly chat bot used on the UQCS Discord Server. For the UQCSbot used in our Slack team, see UQCSbot-Slack.

For a step-by-step guide to contributing, see the How To Contribute Code page on the wiki. Brief build and code formatting instructions can also be found below.

Setup & Running Locally

UQCSbot uses Poetry for dependency management. Once you have Poetry setup on your machine, you can setup and install dependencies by running:

poetry install

You'll need to define environment variables to be able to start the bot. The .env.example file contains a basis for what you can use as a .env file (see Tokens and Environment Variables for more information). The following environment variables are required for proper functionality:

Once you have a .env file, you can run the following command to start the bot:

poetry run botdev

To shutdown the bot, use CTRL+C.

For more detailed build instructions (including how to build with Docker), see How To Build & Run UQCSbot.


Tests are stored in the tests folder and the tests for each file are prefixed with test_. Each test should import pytest and import the relevant functions from the given part of uqcsbot. Tests should mainly focus on cog-specific behaviours and should avoid interacting with discord (say, to detect if a message was sent; see issue #2).

To run all tests:

poetry run pytest

To run a particular test, say test_whatweekisit.py, run:

poetry run pytest tests\test_whatweekisit.py

Code Styling

We use an automated code formatter called Black, currently this needs to be run manually to pass the format CI check. To run Black, run from the root of the repo:

poetry run black uqcsbot

Individual files can also be styled with:

poetry run black uqcsbot/file.py

Static Type Checks

We use Pyright to perform static type checks; which all commits should pass. The exception list within pyproject.toml is only to be used for legacy code or libraries with no available typing stubs. We hope that all new cogs can be made to pass - if you're having trouble, ping us on discord and we'll give you a hand. To run Pyright, run from the root of the repo:

poetry run pyright uqcsbot

Individual files can also be typechecked with:

poetry run pyright uqcsbot/file.py

Development Resources

If this is your first time working on an open source project, we're here to walk you through every step of the way. The How To Contribute Code page should guide you through everything, from running the bot on your machine, to helping you use Git to contribute your changes.

Additionally, if you're completely new to Git, check out Atlassian's Git Tutorial site.

If you're unsure what to work on, check out the issues labelled good first issue.

UQCSbot uses the open source Discord.py project, check out the docs at: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/

If you want more information around working with Discord itself, check out the Discord Developer Documentation.

If you have any questions, reach out in the #bot-testing channel in the Discord!


UQCSbot is licensed under the MIT License.