US-EPA-CAMD / easey-testing

EASEY Test Automation
MIT License
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java test-automation testing

r# EASEY - Test Automation GitHub Quality Gate Status CI/CD
Automated test scripts for EASEY applications


These languages, programs, and applications are necessary for the installation and use of the EASEY-testing REPO

  1. Java 11
  2. Maven
  3. ChromeDriver (Placed in directory, see below)
  4. IntelliJ (IDE, good starting port)

Maven 3.8.5 - Ensure Chrome and ChromeDriver are the same version by using the latest release for both.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes

  1. Make sure maven gets added to the PATH system environment variable
    • Note: This doesn't always happen during installation, check if mvn -version will run in command line
  2. install the chromedriver to a folder named driver in the home directory
    • I.e. for Windows C:/Users/%USERNAME%/driver/chromedriver.exe)
  3. Run mvn install to install the dependency packages

Congifuration Settings


mvn test -Dname=*

Updating Chromedriver

​ This project is licensed under the MIT License. We encourage you to read this project’s License, Contributing Guidelines, and Code of Conduct.


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