A String analysis framework for Java and Android apps. More algorithmic details of Violist can be found in our paper:
String analysis for Java and Android applications
Ding Li, Yingjun Lyu, Mian Wan, and William G. J. Halfond
In Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 661-672.
This version contains a precise interpreter. The unknown values are marked with placeholders (@Uknown@METHOD,etc). They can be treated as any string, i.e., .*
Command line: java -jar Violist.jar example/config.txt
Code: JavaAndroid ja = new JavaAndroid(androidJar,apkFolder,classlist,apkName,target,loopItr);
Note: The parameter target is a Map<String,List\<Integer>> mapping the target method signiture to the n_th string parameter. For example, the signature can be <LoggerLib.Logger: void reportString(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String)>, the parameters can be <1,2>, representing the first and the second parameters that are string.
The output of ja.getInterpretedValues() is a Map<String,List\<String>> mapping a string with format method_signature@bytecode_offset@n_th_string_parameter to a set of strings. The key uniquely represents a target string variable, which is passed to line bytecode_offset of the method method_signature as the n_th_string_parameter. The value represents the possible values of the string.
We prefer to use eclipse or intelliJ to build the project (import an existing Maven project).
Add graphs.jar to build path.
Main method arguments: path-to-config.txt
Structure of config.txt:
path-to-parent-folder-of-android-8 (android-8 contains an android.jar)
loopUnraveledTime (how many times loops are unraveled)
method-signature-of-hotspot1@parameter-index1@parameter-index2 (target method and target parameter index, index starts with 1)