USDA-NRCS / NRCS-Engineering-Tools---ArcGIS-Pro

Future home of the UDSA-NRCS Engineering Tools for ArcGIS Pro
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 3 forks source link


Current status of the ArcGIS Pro migration from ArcGIS 10.x

Toolset Tool ArcGIS Pro Compatible
Field Office Tools Clip DEM to AOI X
Field Office Tools Create Contours from AOI X
Field Office Tools Create Cross Section/Profile(s) X
Field Office Tools Estimate Pool from Contours
Field Office Tools Slope - Average by AOI X
Field Office Tools Slope - Percent by AOI
Practice Design - Wascob Design 1. Define Area of Interest (WASCOB) X
Practice Design - Wascob Design 2. Create Stream Network (WASCOB) X
Practice Design - Wascob Design 3. Create Watershed(s) (WASCOB) X
Practice Design - Wascob Design 4. Watershed Attributes X
Practice Design - Wascob Design 5. Calculate Runoff Curve Number X
Practice Design - Wascob Design 6. Wascob Design Worksheet X
Practice Design - Wascob Design 7. Design Height & Intake Location X
Practice Design - Wascob Design 8. Tile Layout and Profile X
Practice Design - Wascob Design 9. Ridge Layout and Profile X
Practice Design - Wascob Design Export Project Data for GPS X
Practice Design - Wascob Utilities Add Points to Tile Profile X
Practice Design - Wascob Utilities Calibrate DEM to Field Survey
Terrain Analysis Tools 1. Define Area of Interest (Optional) X
Terrain Analysis Tools 2. Create Stream Network (Optional) X
Terrain Analysis Tools Compound Topographic Index (CTI) X
Terrain Analysis Tools Stream Power Index (SPI) X
Terrain Analysis Tools Topographic Position Index (TPI) X
Watershed Tools - Delineation 1. Define Area of Interest X
Watershed Tools - Delineation 2. Create Stream Network X
Watershed Tools - Delineation 3. Create Watershed X
Watershed Tools - Delineation 4. Update Watershed Attributes X
Watershed Tools - Runoff Curve Number 1. Prepare Soils and Landuse X
Watershed Tools - Runoff Curve Number 2.a. Calculate Runoff Curve Number X
Watershed Tools - Runoff Curve Number 2.b. Calculate Curve Number from NLCD X
Watershed Tools - Storage Calculate Stage Storage X
Watershed Tools - Storage Create Pool at Desired Elevation X
Watershed Tools - Storage Estimate Pool from Contours
Utilities Clip/Merge Adjacent Datasets
Utilities Clip/Merge Adjacent DEMs
Utilities ElevationWebServiceClipUSERSELECTReprojectModel
Utilities Change Point Coordinates
Utilities Convert DEM Z-Units

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