Python package to process the USEPA Waste Reduction Model (WARM) to make the data available in tabular and matrix formats.
MIT License
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Python CI/CD tests DOI

The WARM transformer (WARMer) is a Python package that extracts and processes data from the USEPA Waste Reduction Model (WARM) v15 openLCA database into tabular and matrix formats.

Current status: Alpha


Requires Python >= 3.8 with pip.

A simple installation with basic functionality, assuming this repository is downloaded or cloned

python -m pip install warmer

To connect to a live OpenLCA database, the extra olca dependency must be installed:

python -m pip install warmer[olca]

To perform fedelem flow mapping, the extra fedelem_map must be installed:

python -m pip install warmer[fedelem_map]

To install everything at once, use the following command:

python -m pip install SomePackage[olca, fedelem_map]


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