USFCourseSelector-Spring-2019 / Course-Selecter

You handle college, we'll handle registration
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USF Course Selecter

You handle college, we’ll handle registration

Course Selector is a web application whose goal is to make course selecting a simpler, faster and more pleasing experience for students of the University of San Francisco (USF). It achieves this by offering an experience that is superior in every way to the USF course selection website.

See it in action at

Picking classes have to be one of the worst experiences in college. Constantly trying to make sure that you are progressing with your degree yet also juggling making sure that you have interesting (even fun if you are ambitious) classes while also creating a schedule that you won’t dread for the whole semester. On top of all those things you have to keep in mind, you have to deal with the college’s terrible system for picking courses and have at least a million tabs open to the point that you forget which tab shows which little bit of info you need to make a reasonable schedule for a semester. It sure is a lot of pressure on students and the tools should make the process easier not harder, so I made a course selector for USF students like you so that you can pick your courses with ease and still be on your way to your goal of graduating.

How everything works

We extract courses every so often (can be set to any interval) and store those courses into a CouchDB Database. These courses are then pulled in entirety to the frontend API (the backend for the frontend) which are served to the frontend to show all of the course options.

Within the frontend users are able to create "plans"(possible schedules that the user can use to plan their next schedule). These plans are viewable in two formats: a list of courses and a calendar view. All plans are stored to the user's browser (using localStorage browser API).

There are multiple folders within this folder

New Features to be made


A guide to getting started with development can be found at docs/