UTCommunity / UTVehicles

A vehicle framework for Unreal Tournament
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A vehicle framework for Unreal Tournament

This repository is part of the UTVehicles-plugin which consists of the code part and the asset part. You can find the assets repository in its latest state here. That repository is included as a sub-module in the specific folder called Content which points to a specific state (to feature full compatibility to the code).

You want to be part of the development team? Join us! Join the UT Vehicles Community on Slack

Quick start


Note: You can also create your own maps, but you have to set-up some game type properties. This is required to have fully support for vehicle driving, entering and such.


Note: Currently not supported.

What's included

The current framework comes with limited content. There is a test map (which is basically a copy of the Example map) as a playground for vehicle driving. This map will evolve over time and change drastically.

That map has a vehicle available which can be entered and driven around.

The following classes can be used to create vehicles:

Every asset for creating UT vehicles is accessible in the original repository of Unreal Tournament


Please read through our contributing guidelines. Included are directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development.

Have a bug or a feature request? Please first read the issue guidelines and search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.

Or just simply join our communication platform or chat directly wit us at our public chat room (no registration required).


This plugin is created with the code-base of the latest release of the Unreal Tournament Source code. In order to fully support using this plugin with the Launcher versions of Unreal Tournament, a specific commit/version/tag needs to be checked out. You can always find the used commit in the CHANGELIST file which directs to the specific commit in the release branch of the UT repository.

Everything else is a simple setup:

For more information about the cooking part, check the specific cooking guideline


You can find the credits here


Licensed under the terms of the latest version of the Unreal® Engine End User License Agreement, obtainable at unrealengine.com/eula.

A copy of the license text, as obtained on 2015-06-26, is included in the UE4EULA.pod file (for reference purposes only).