SLAM and Navigation on ROS Kinetic
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Slam 70 - Add ramp to IGVC world #104

Closed 1999michael closed 4 years ago

1999michael commented 4 years ago

Did not test by running roslaunch caffeine caffeine_gazebo.launch world:=absolute_path as didn't want to focus too much time to debug why that way wouldn't work for me. Instead, to test ramp in IGVC world, run gazebo ~/SLAM/slam-ws/src/igvc_world/worlds/igvc_basic.world.

igvc_basic.world has the edits with some obstacles removed to place ramps in approximately correct place. original_igvc has the unaltered file.

Color is not set correct, nor are white lines on ramp

1999michael commented 4 years ago

Looks good!

A question for thought: What are the grades of these ramps? Should we make them different? We might want to have at least one of them be 15% (the maximum possible from the rules).

I set the ramps all to 15% incline