SLAM and Navigation on ROS Kinetic
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SLAM-96: Adding min/max speed #110

Closed Federico-PizarroBejarano closed 4 years ago

Federico-PizarroBejarano commented 4 years ago

Added min/max speed and and disabling SLAM-87 changes to temporarily improve odom.

The robot now moves a lot faster. It was previously going at around .44m/s (which is approx 1mile/hour, the minimum average speed) and could not go faster since .45 was the max speed set in the params. I have increased the max to 2.0m/s, and now it seems to be moving at around 1.5m/s (I am checking by looking at the topic /gazebo/model_states/twist). We can tune the values of min and max but it seems to be moving at an acceptable speed now. Very easy to tune. I increased the minimum just to make sure that the robot moves quickly, but I am uncertain this is necessary, however doesnt seem to hurt.

Also have been having a lot of issues with odom. I fixed some of them by disabling what was done in SLAM-87, however, the odom still sucks. I needed to redo the simulation tens of times to get accurate results. Something is definitely wrong, even before my changes.