SLAM and Navigation on ROS Kinetic
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Slam 38 - Adding stereo cam #73

Closed Federico-PizarroBejarano closed 4 years ago

Federico-PizarroBejarano commented 4 years ago

This is a portion of the SLAM-38 branch and ticket that adds a stereo cam based on @kajananchinniah code. I have moved the stereo cam to the edge of the stand on the robot and faced it 45 degrees downwards. This may be too far downwards, it will probably require some tuning. However, with this is now possible to view the video of what the robot is seeing, and it publishes the images to several topics (you can see what the topics are using rostopic list) that CV can take in to use for lane detection. To see for yourself follow these steps:

  1. Open up the robot in the igvc world: roslaunch caffeine caffeine_gazebo.launch world:="FULL_PATH_TO_REPO/SLAM/slam-ws/src/igvc_world/worlds/igvc_basic.world"

  2. Start up rviz: roslaunch caffeine caffeine_rviz.launch

  3. Start up gmapping: roslaunch gmap gmapping_navigation.launch

  4. Add camera to rviz to see what the robot sees. To do this click on Add at the bottom of rviz, select Camera. Then in the camera options after it is added, select one of the image topics under the drop down Image Topic

  5. Navigate the robot towards a lane and see it in action. If you feel you want to angle the robot a bit higher or lower, you can do that easily by modifying the first angle in rpy here: https://github.com/UTRA-ART/SLAM/blob/ea20ec6ea9f7f95a414b630a43ed681d027ff18b/slam-ws/src/caffeine/urdf/caffeine.urdf.xacro#L332

Federico-PizarroBejarano commented 4 years ago

Mostly LGTM, but didn't you mention there was problems with namespaces?

That is from what I found online and maybe we will need to change it in the future but for our purposes now it works fine @kajananchinniah