SLAM and Navigation on ROS Kinetic
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Slam 60 - Integrating keyboard teleop and mutiplexing multiple velocity commands #77

Closed 1999michael closed 4 years ago

1999michael commented 4 years ago

To launch keyboard teleop node, you must type (in a new terminal) roslaunch motor_control keyboard_teleop.launch


to move around the robot, use the following (in lower case, no shift, 8 cardinal directions): u i o j k l m , . --> 'space' indicates that you will return from manual control to move_base automatic control


There are a lot of recorded changes as I had taken the teleop package and the twist_mux package and added them to the repo. If you want to review code, just check: move_base.launch, teleop_twist_keyboard.py

1999michael commented 4 years ago

rostest error when I attempted to catkin_make locally, I believe we want to remove this dependency given that we are not using it atm
