UTRS2 / utrs

Unblock Ticket Request System (v2) used on Wikimedia projects
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
25 stars 26 forks source link
laravel php wikimedia wikipedia

UTRS 2.0

Getting UTRS2 working in a dev environment

  1. Clone into a directory
  2. composer install
  3. cp .env.example .env
  4. edit the DB details in .env
  5. php artisan key:generate
  6. php artisan migrate:fresh

The /public subdirectory is the webroot. You can either use php artisan serve to run a standalone webserver, or point your webserver of choice at /public

Configuring wikis

Currently, most details about supported wikis are stored in config/wikis.php, but a transition to storing them in the database is in progress. For this reason, you need to use php artisan utrs-maintenance:sync-wikis-to-database to synchronize changes in that file to the database for some details to work correctly.

Building frontend assets

The frontend is built using Bootstrap 4. It uses purgecss to remove unused classes to reduce bundle size. This can create complications for development.

First, install NPM dependencies using npm install. Then, you can use Laravel Mix (webpack wrapper) to build assets:


UTRS has a suite of seeds that can be used to automatically generate sample data for your development environment.

To reset your database, and create data based on seeds, you can always type

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Resetting your database will get rid of your user account and all of its permissions. You will find few .env variables to help with this:

# for seeding:

If you set DEVELOPER_USER_NAME to your user name, that user will automatically created. You can then set DEVELOPER_USER_GRANT_ADMIN and DEVELOPER_USER_GRANT_TOOLADMIN to "enwiki" and then you wll be granted admin and tooladmin access there. Finally, if you set DEVELOPER_USER_GRANT_DEVELOPER to true, you will receive the global developer permission which grants you full access to the interface.

Setting up MediaWiki integration for testing

API calls

You have a couple of options here. Either

Create a bot password for your own testing MediaWiki installation

Use Special:BotPasswords to create a bot password. If you have configured e-mail sending to mediawiki, access to that is useful.

In .env, set MEDIAWIKI_USERNAME to the bot password username and MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD to the password. Also set WIKI_URL_GLOBAL, WIKI_URL_ENWIKI, and WIKI_URL_PTWIKI to be http://your-mediawiki/w/api.php.

Create a bot password on Beta Cluster

This is useful because Beta Cluster is really similar to beta. Use Special:BotPasswords on some wiki to create a bot password (they are global).

In .env, set MEDIAWIKI_USERNAME to the bot password username and MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD to the password. Also set


You need a wiki with Extension:OAuth installed. It's easier if you use the same wiki used with API calls.

Use the following settings:

If you set it as for yourself only you don't need to get it approved.

Set up .env:

OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL="http://utrs.test/oauth/callback" # change this also depending on your setup


Job executor (for production)

For this to work, you need to have your own urls set up for config/wikis.php
This application requires a job queue to verify blocks and do other critical and regualar tasks. Below is a guide to setting up:

  1. Ensure jobs work with php artisan queue:work
  2. Add the following block at /etc/systemd/system/utrs-jobrunner.service, example, replacing /path/tos:


Description=UTRS job runner

ExecStart=/path/to/artisan queue:work

  1. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  2. sudo systemctl enable utrs-jobrunner.service
  3. sudo systemctl start utrs-jobrunner.service