UTSCCSCC01 / project-ez4-0

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EntreE: A Community and E-Learning Virtual Platform

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This is a course project of group EZ4.0 for CSCC01 at UTSC in the 2021 Summer.

The goal of this platform will be to provide the end to end experience for our target users (aspiring, first time African entrepreneurs) - where they can come in with their problem/need identified, learn how to build their solution, get involved in bigger communities and build their companies.


As mentioned by the African Impact Initiative:

From our 2020 pilot in Ghana, we’ve identified the need for a more user-focused and user-friendly platform that integrates the various jobs to be done which the challenge provides to those aspiring entrepreneurs who we support.

We realized that it is a great chance for us to utilize our enhanced technical skills, and this project indeed meets our desires of helping people in developing areas.

As such, we decided to build a virtual platform that mainly focuses on the community and E-Learning features for our potential users, since efficient learning experiences and effective communications play a crucial role for first-time entrepreneurs, registered companies and partners.

That is how EntreE comes into our minds.


Here is a quick demo video for the project.


The stack for this project is:

Docker Setup

We use docker to manage databases instead of directly downloading them. Checkout Here for docker setup. After you successfully setting it up, run the command to spin up the database images:

$ docker-compose up -d

Backend Setup

Require Python 3.8+ (Suggest using pyenv)

  1. First create a virtualenv named venv under the backend folder, see here for more information about virtualenv and how to install it

    $ cd backend    # The following commands assumed you are in backend/
    $ python -m venv venv
    # or, if the above command does not work
    python -m virtualenv venv
  2. Activate the virtualenv by

    $ source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the necessary packages specified in requirements.txt

    (venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Setup config.py for server configurations and modify them as needed. The reason why we want to do this is to allow each developer to have a customizable running at their local and wouldn't affect other environments

    (venv) $ cp config.py.bak config.py
  5. We use Flask-Migrate to manage the PostgreSql database schemas. Upgrade the database by running the following command

    (venv) $ flask db upgrade
  6. Finally, start the server. The FLASK_ENV=development flag here specifies that you are running at a development mode at local so that whenever you saved a file the server will be automatically reloaded

    (venv) $ FLASK_ENV=development flask run
  7. Test if your server is successfully running by checking out http://localhost:5000/. You should see:

    "success": true

Frontend Setup

Require yarn 1.22+ (Installation guide here)

  1. Install the packages using yarn

    cd frontend    # The following commands assumed you are in frontend/
    $ yarn
  2. Start the frontend

    $ yarn start


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Note: Please make pull request instead of directly merging into the master branch.


Core contributors should attend daily standup, actively communicate with other project members, and push meaningful commit messages that well describe the code changes.

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