UUDigitalHumanitieslab / gretel

GrETEL4 (fork from CCL-KULeuven)
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GrETEL stands for Greedy Extraction of Trees for Empirical Linguistics. It is a user-friendly search engine for the exploitation of syntactically annotated corpora or treebanks

This is the current version of GrETEL which is being maintained, but active development currently takes place at https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel-django as GrETEL 5. That has a completely rebuild back-end and which will eventually be merged into this repository.

GrETEL is publicly available at https://gretel.hum.uu.nl (version 4) or https://gretel5.hum.uu.nl (version 5)

The stable predecessor can be found at http://gretel.ccl.kuleuven.be/gretel3 (and the source at https://github.com/CCL-KULeuven/gretel/).



master: official version of GrETEL 4, available at http://gretel.hum.uu.nl/gretel3/ dev: development version
gretel2.0: official version of GrETEL 2.0, available at http://gretel.ccl.kuleuven.be/gretel-2.0



Next to a standard LAMP server (with a PHP version > 5.4), GrETEL requires the following packages to be installed on your machine:

Next steps

  1. Download (or clone) GrETEL from GitHub.
  2. Download the Alpino dependency parser. Current binary used in the live version: Alpino-x86_64-linux-glibc2.5-20548-sicstus (available here).

It is recommended to use the same version used for creating the treebanks. This way an example based search will result in the same search structure as stored in the database.

  1. Create BaseX databases containing the treebanks you want to make available (not necessary when using GrETEL-upload).
  2. Adapt config.example.php file and change name to config.php, and then:
    • Set the path to the Alpino dependency parser in the variable $alpinoDirectory (by default: directory parsers)
    • Set BaseX variables (machine names, port numbers, password and username)
    • Set path for the Python virtual environment or other place where the required commands are installed.
  3. Install composer to be able to install PHP dependencies.
  4. Enable the rewrite module (e.g. sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo systemctl restart apache2).
  5. Set AllowOverride to All to allow .htaccess to set the settings for the rewrite module.
  6. Run pip install -r requirements.txt.
  7. Run npm run build to compile all the remaining dependencies.
  8. Make sure tmp and log folders exist in the root and can be accessed by Apache.

Notes for users

Only the properties of the first node matched by an XPATH variable is returned for analysis. For example:

A user searches for //node[node]. Two variables are found in this query: $node1 = //node and $node2 = $node1[node].

The following sentence would match this query:

node[np] (node[det] node[noun])

The node found for $node1 will then be node[np]. The node found for $node2 will then be node[det]. The properties of node[noun] will not be available for analysis using this query.

When searching for a more specific structure, this is unlikely to occur.

Notes for developers


The Angular front-end can be found under web-ui and run from there: npm run start. You can also use npm run start:live to use the production back-end.




This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (cc-by-sa-4.0). See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.