UUDigitalHumanitieslab / placenamedisambiguation

A pipeline of scripts that enables disambiguation of place names in a given corpus
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gazetteer geocoding geolocation

Place Name Disambiguation

This repository contains a collection of Python scripts that enable collecting named entities and geocodes for a corpus in a folder. It can be useful for historians interested in extracting place names from collections of text data, but has not been tested on current Python versions.

Its ultimate aim, as indicated by the repository name, was to disambiguate place names derived from gazetteers along ideas proposed in the following paper:

Ardanuy, M. C., & Sporleder, C. (2017, June). Toponym disambiguation in historical documents using semantic and geographic features. In Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on digital access to textual cultural heritage (pp. 175-180).


The main entry point is extract.py, whereas icab_parser.py is a helper script that is not part of extract.pys workflow.


Setup a virtualenv with Python 3.4 (or higher > untested):

virtualenv .env -p python3.4 --prompt "(pnd) "

activate the virtualenv:

source .env/bin/activate (.env/Scripts/activate on Windows)

install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Extract.py expects certain parameters, to get an overview of these, call:

python extract.py --help

One thing is important to note: Before extract.py can do anything for you, you need to make sure you have exported some authentication details required to collect geocodes. In particular, you need a [API Key for Google]() and a username for GeoNames. More information on what is needed exactly can be found in the documentation of the magnificent geocoder library, which is used here (in geocoding.py) to collect geocode data.

Make sure you have the acccounts and keys and export them as environment variables before calling extract.py. For example:

export GOOGLE_API_KEY=<your_api_key>


icab_parser.py is a very basic parser made to extract the text from the .sgm (XML-like) files of the I-CAB corpus.