UW-Macrostrat / map-ingestion

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Marion County (Indiana) Surficial Geology #400

Open ericjohannes opened 5 years ago

ericjohannes commented 5 years ago


Pimary: GLACIAL_TERRAINS_SURFICIAL_GEOLOGY_MARIONCO: A map of the surficial geology of Marion County, Indiana (Indiana Geological Survey, 1:50,000, Polygon shapefile)

Source URL:


Estimated scale:


Folder name:

Dataset names:


Other layers in the gdb: Glacial_Terrains_Channels_Ice_Margins_MarionCo Glacial_Terrains_Dominant_Sediment_MarionCo Glacial_Terrains_Mound_Features_MarionCo Hydrogeologic_Settings_MarionCo

Number of bedrock polygons:

Lithology field:

Time field:

Glacial_Terrains_Surficial_Geology_MarionCo: 'b_age', 't_age', 'AGE'

Stratigraphy name field:

Description field:

Glacial_Terrains_Surficial_Geology_MarionCo: 'ORIGIN'

Comments field:

Glacial_Terrains_Surficial_Geology_MarionCo: 'LANDFORMS'


This gdb contains five layers. The one of primary interest is Glacial_Terrains_Surficial_Geology_MarionCo, which is a general surficial geology map of the county, similar to others we've submitted.

Metadata for all five layers is available here: https://igws.indiana.edu/MarionCounty/website_metadata_MarionCo.zip

Abstracts for all five: GLACIAL_TERRAINS_SURFICIAL_GEOLOGY_MARIONCO is an ESRI polygon shapefile that shows the unique sediments at the landscape surface in Marion County, which are primarily of glacial origin. The geologic materials, landforms, geologic age, and origins of the deposits are described.

GLACIAL_TERRAINS_CHANNELS_ICE_MARGINS_MARIONCO is an ESRI line shapefile that shows the meltwater channels and ice margins of glacial origin in Marion County, Indiana. Examples of these features include former meltwater channels, ice-marginal channels, ice-margin positions, and indicators of direction of meltwater flow.

GLACIAL_TERRAINS_DOMINANT_SEDIMENT_MARIONCO is an ESRI polygon shapefile that shows the dominant unconsolidated sediments which overlie the bedrock in Marion County, Indiana. The three dominant unconsolidated materials are "Sand- and gravel-dominated sequences," "Till-dominated sequences," and "Mixed sequences."

GLACIAL_TERRAINS_MOUND_FEATURES_MARIONCO is an ESRI polygon shapefile that depicts the mounds and hummocks of glacial origin in Marion County, Indiana, and the underlying sediment. Examples of these features include mounds and hummocks of till-like sediment and lesser sand and gravel, and mounds and hummocks of sand and gravel and lesser till-like sediment.

HYDROGEOLOGIC_SETTINGS_MARIONCO is an ESRI polygon shapefile that shows the hydrogeologic settings of the shallow aquifer system of Marion County. The degree of confinement, predominent hydraulic gradient, thickness of vadose zone (ft), rate of surface infiltration, recharge potential, and position in the flow system of the shallow deposits are depicted for each setting.


aazaff commented 5 years ago

Let's not do this one.

ericjohannes commented 5 years ago

@aazaff would you mind taking another look at Glacial_Terrains_Surficial_Geology_MarionCo? It's pretty similar to the other surficial maps we've been submitting. The other layers here were not. I also forgot to include an abstract for Glacial_Terrains_Surficial_Geology_MarionCo, so maybe it got lost in the mix. Finally, IU cleaned up the age names based on feedback on other maps and converted it to a gdb. Here's a new link for a gdb with just that layer https://iu.box.com/s/iucnmjfgqchn01dnjx85sn4vevvyervj

aazaff commented 5 years ago

Compile the shapefiles into a geodatabase for when the raw data is distributed, but we will only prepare the layer GLACIAL_TERRAINS_SURFICIAL_GEOLOGY_MARIONCO for Macrostrat ignestion

ericjohannes commented 5 years ago

@aazaff should be good now