UW-Macrostrat / map-ingestion

Managing ingestion of sources into burwell
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Burwell processing


Note: The [brackets] in the example script indicate portions that must be replaced with specific directory paths or names specific to unique map sources. For example, a path might look like ~/Desktop/Folder; a good table_name might be Sheridan_geo.

1. Find, download, and evaluate dataset

Data Requirements:

You should check your proposed source for overlap with other maps already in the system. Our staging area for maps: https://dev.macrostrat.org/api/v2/defs/sources?all&format=geojson_bare

2. Process geospatial data

Data comes in many different formats. If there are numerous download options available, choose GeoDatabase (.gdb), shapefile (.shp), and ArcInfo Coverage/Interchange (.e00), in that order of priority.

If the data is only available as an ArcInfo coverage, you must first convert it to a shapefile. You can either use ArcGIS (instructions), or ogr2ogr as so:

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" [output] [input.e00]

Combine data types The data we are looking for is often split across numerous files/tables. For example, it is common to see faults and syn/anticlines in different files. Start by merging the datasets into their associated geometry types (polygons, lines, and points).

Identify location of attributes The attributes (name, age, description) of polygons and lines are found in many places. Before committing to copy/pasting them frmo a PDF, make sure you have checked all tables of the geodatabase, all metadata, and all text files. Often times it is possible to extract them more easily from a plain text file than a PDF.

3. Import shapefile data table(s) of interest into PostgreSQL

Data of Interest (in order of priority):

Run the following commands in terminal to import shapefile attribute tables:\ NOTE: If doing this for the first time, download the Burwell Repository, and save the folder as burwell on your machine.*

Change directory to burwell repo folder

cd [path to repo folder]

Import to Postico

./import [table_name] [path to shapefile] false LATIN1

4. Process dataset

Move the issue to the "In progress" column in Processing.

Update or fill in tables using source materials (if necessary) in Postico:\ Double check all fields for accuracy: innaccurate and incomplete data are worse than no data. \ If adding new fields, do not name fields with spaces or non-standard characters.\ Do not include duplicated information (e.g., if there is a already a field the unit name and you are adding a field for its descriptions by copying and pasting, do not include the strat_name in the description).

  1. Update the geology table (see geology instructions)
  2. Homogenize data for lines into a single table (see line instructions)
  3. Homogenize data for points into a single table (see point instructions)

5. Zip completed data table(s) (in terminal)**

For each table (polygons, lines, points), dump the table and zip it. DO NOT COMBINE ALL TABLES INTO ONE DUMP pg_dump -x -O -t sources.[table_name] burwell|gzip>[table_name].sql.gz

6. Create a new folder for the dataset, and include:

7. Secure copy this new folder to teststrata:

Before copying the folder to teststrata, make sure permissions on it are correctly set:

chmod -R 777 [folder]

Next, push the folder to teststrata in terminal:

scp -P 2200 -r [folder] collaborator@teststrata.geology.wisc.edu:/Users/collaborator

8. Fill out all fields for source issue

9. Move the issue to the "Ready to import" column in Processing and assign Cambro to the issue