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Economic Geology Indiana (coal mines, industrial minerals, quarries) #413

Open ericjohannes opened 5 years ago

ericjohannes commented 5 years ago

Name: COAL_MINE_SURFACE_DNR_IN.SHP: Surface Coal Mines in Indiana (Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Reclamation, Polygon Shapefile)

INDUSTRIAL_MINERALS_ACTIVE_2016_IN.SHP: Locations of Operation for Active Industrial Minerals Producers in 2016 in Indiana (Indiana Geological Survey, Point Shapefile)

COAL_MINE_ENTRIES_DNR_IN.SHP: Underground Coal Mine Entrances in Indiana (Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Reclamation, Point Shapefile)

COAL_MINE_UNDERGROUND_DNR_IN.SHP: Underground Coal Mines in Indiana (Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Reclamation, Polygon Shapefile)

Hasenmueller, W.A., and Ault, C.H., 2001, Abandoned Industrial Minerals Quarries in Indiana, 2nd Edition, Digital Version, Computer Database 2, Indiana Geological Survey.

Source URL: http://maps.indiana.edu/download/Geology/Coal_Mines_Surface.zip




Abandoned Industrial Minerals Quarries data: http://maps.indiana.edu/download/Geology/Industrial_Minerals_Quarries_Abandoned.zip map: http://maps.indiana.edu/previewMaps/Geology/Industrial_Minerals_Quarries_Abandoned.html more data: https://iu.box.com/s/26usoc9xmpeonesu4jegpmmkbawfd4s4 Estimated scale: medium

Folder name:

Dataset names: Surface Coal Mines data: Coal_Mine_Surface_DNR_IN.shp metadata: Coal_Mine_Surface_DNR_IN.txt

Active Industrial Minerals data: INDUSTRIAL_MINERALS_ACTIVE_2016_IN.SHP metadata: INDUSTRIAL_MINERALS_ACTIVE_2016_IN.txt

Underground Coal Mine Entrances data: Coal_Mine_Entries_DNR_IN.shp metadata: Coal_Mine_Entries_DNR_IN.txt

Underground Coal Mines data: Coal_Mine_Underground_DNR_IN.shp shapes: Coal_Mine_Underground_DNR_IN.txt

Abandoned Industrial Minerals Quarries data: Quarries_Abandoned_IN.shp metadata: Quarries_Abandoned_IN.txt in the zipped file at the "more data" link: data/QUASTR.TXT has stratigraphy info data/QUAHIS.TXT has info on the companies that operated each quarry and what it produced

Number of bedrock polygons:

Lithology field:

Time field:

Stratigraphy name field: Active Industrial Minerals: Geology - Stratigraphic units produced at the mine/plant, and thicknesses, where known

Description field:

Comments field: Surface Coal Mines Year_Start - Approximate date that mine opened ('1001' indicates an uncertain start date) Year_End - Approximate date that mine closed ('9009' and '7007' indicate an uncertain end date)

Active Industrial Minerals: Commodity - Mineral commodity produced at the mine/plant Company_Na - Name of the company that owns the mine/plant Remarks - General comments regarding the mine/plant Mine_Plant - Name by which the mine/plant is known Products - Description of products produced by the mine/plant

Underground Coal Mine Entrances Entry_Type - Entry_Depth - Depth of mine entrance below ground surface in feet (unknown depths are listed as -9999) Mine_Number - Mine ID Number; unique number used to identify information related to a mine in the Coal Mine Information System database (-9999 indicates a record for which mine data is either unavailable or has yet to be been entered into the Coal Mine Information System GIS or tabular database) Symbol_Rotation - Symbol rotation angle; a numeric value between 0 and 360 used in ArcGIS to rotate the slope entrance symbols to the approximate orientation of the actual mine entrances. The values were determined based on a value of 360 pointing due west and a value of 90 pointing due south. Note that Hoist, Other, and Unknown entry types are all attributed with values of 0 because those symbols don't need to be rotated.

Underground Coal Mine Entrances Year_start - Approximate date that mine opened ('1001' indicates an uncertain start date) Year_end - Approximate date that mine closed ('9009' indicates an uncertain end date)

Abandoned Industrial Minerals Quarries Has three fields with more information: Total Production (short tons) Average Thickness of Quarried Rock Unit (feet) Elevation of Stratigraphic Marker (feet) the folder at the "more data" link has more information related to this map including stratigraphy of those mines, companies that operated them and what the mines produced. That is all in the 'Data" subfolder. The first value in the TXT files, which have comma-separated values, is an ID that corresponds to "IGS ID (Database #2) in the shapefile. These relationships are explained in report/Database2.pdf

Comments: Editing this issue to include all economic geology maps

Abstract: COAL_MINE_SURFACE_DNR_IN.SHP provides the locations of all documented surface coal mines that have operated in the coal region of Indiana since the mid-1880s, up to December 31, 2016. COAL_MINE_SURFACE_DNR_IN.SHP is attributed with mine number (IDNR), map number (IDNR), start dates, and end dates. The following is excerpted from the metadata provided by IDNR, Division of Reclamation, for the source point feature class named "SURFACE_AFFECTED":

"Coal_Mine_Surface_DNR_IN is a polygon-based ESRI ArcGIS shapefile that shows the location and extent of surface coal mines in the coal region of west-central and southwestern Indiana. Coal_Mine_Surface_DNR_IN includes mine locations from documented surface mines that operated in Indiana since the late 1800s. Coal_Mine_Surface_DNR_IN is attributed to allow the mine polygons to be differentiated based on mine number, source information, and dates of mining.

Abstract: INDUSTRIAL_MINERALS_ACTIVE_2016_IN.SHP is a point shapefile that shows the locations of operation for industrial minerals producers that were active in 2016 in Indiana. These operations extract and (or) produce the following commodities: cement, clay and shale, crushed stone, dimension limestone, dimension sandstone, gypsum, lime, peat, slag, and sand and gravel. The data set contains location, contact information, geologic information, and other relevant information for all industrial minerals operations known to be active in Indiana on 20160415.

Abstract: COAL_MINE_ENTRIES_DNR_IN.SHP contains the entrance locations of all documented underground coal mine entrances that have operated in the coal region of Indiana since the mid-1880s, up to December 31, 2016. COAL_MINE_ENTRIES_DNR_IN.SHP is attributed to allow the mine entrances to be differentiated based on entrance type (hoist shaft, other shafts, slope, unknown), depth, mine number, and source information (map number). The following is excerpted from the metadata provided by IDNR, Division of Reclamation, for the source point feature class named "COAL_ENTRY_GEOREF":

"Coal_Mine_Entries_DNR_IN is a compilation of all documented underground coal mine entrances in Indiana. Coal_Mine_Entries_DNR_IN was compiled by the Indiana Geological Survey (IGS) as part of a contract deliverable for the Abandoned Mine Lands program of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Reclamation. Coal_Mine_Entries_DNR_IN incorporates mine entrance locations compiled as part of the Indiana Coal Mine Information System (CMIS), an integrated geographic information system (GIS) and database management system (DBMS) created to store, analyze, and help distribute coal mine data in Indiana. The system contains data for surface and underground coal mines that operated in Indiana from the mid-1830s to 2007. Original source information for Coal_Mine_Entries_DNR_IN includes company mine maps, field maps and notes of IGS geologists, IGS publications, and Reports of the Indiana State Mine Inspector. All mine data included in Coal_Mine_Entries_DNR_IN are organized in a GIS using ESRI ArcGIS software of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) on the Windows platform. Scale of source data ranges from 1:4,800 to 1:100,000."

Abstract: COAL_MINE_UNDERGROUND_DNR_IN.SHP provides the locations of all documented underground coal mines that have operated in the coal region of Indiana since the mid-1880s, up to December 31, 2016. COAL_MINE_UNDERGROUND_DNR_IN.SHP is attributed with mine number (IDNR), map number (IDNR), start dates, and end dates. The following is excerpted from the metadata provided by IDNR, Division of Reclamation, for the source point feature class named "SURFACE_AFFECTED":

"Coal_Mine_Underground_DNR_IN is a polygon-based ESRI ArcGIS shapefile that shows the location and extent of underground coal mines in the coal region of west-central and southwestern Indiana. Coal_Mine_Underground_DNR_IN includes mine locations from documented underground mines that operated in Indiana since the late 1800s. Coal_Mine_Underground_DNR_IN is attributed to allow the mine polygons to be differentiated based on mine number, source information, and dates of mining."

QUARRIES_ABANDONED_IN was derived from a comma-delimited text file named "QUALOC.TXT" contained on the following CD-ROM publication: Hasenmueller, W.A., and Ault, C.H., 2001, Abandoned Industrial Minerals Quarries in Indiana, 2nd Edition, Digital Version, Computer Database 2, Indiana Geological Survey. The field named "QUANUM" can be used to link this data to the following tables available in the publication cited above: bibliography (QUAREF.TXT), history of operation (QUAHIS.TXT), and stratigraphy (QUASTR.TXT). It contains all abandoned quarry locations within QUALOC.TXT that have locational information that is adequate to determine UTM coordinate values.


aazaff commented 5 years ago

Let's combine this with #414 and #412 as a single issue/data product. Close the other ones after aggregating.

aazaff commented 5 years ago

@garymotz, if you have pictures to go with these points, I can have my assistant turn this into a Flyover compatible story map off the books.