Closed rleverett closed 5 years ago
No strike/dip information in the points files.
Suggested Inserts:
INSERT INTO maps.large (orig_id,source_id,name,age,descrip,comments,strat_name,t_interval,b_interval,geom)
SELECT gid,283,unitname,age_,trim(descrip),trim(maingroup),trim(strat_name),late_id,early_id,ST_MakeValid(geom) FROM sources.nsw_cobbora where geom is not null;
INSERT INTO lines.large (orig_id,source_id,descrip,name,new_type,geom)
SELECT gid, 283,descriptio,feat_name,new_type,ST_MakeValid(geom) FROM sources.nsw_cobbora_lines where new_type is not null and geom is not null;
errors in strat_name field:
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'UNGROUPED%';
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'Undifferentiated';
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'SURAT BASIN (of the GREAT AUSTRALIAN BASIN)';
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'ORDOVICIAN INTRUSION';
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'MESOZOIC IGNEOUS ROCKS';
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'GUNNEDAH BASIN';
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'DEVONIAN INTRUSIONS';
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'Cainozoic undifferentiated';
update sources.nsw_cobbora set strat_name=NULL where strat_name like 'CAINOZOIC UNITS';
source_id 283
Name: Meakin N.S., Henderson G.A.M., Podgon D.J., Colqhoun G.P. and Barron L., 2000, Cobbora 1:100 000 Geological Sheet 8733, 1st edition. Geological Survey of New South Wales, Sydney & Geoscience Australia, Canberra
Source URL:
Estimated scale: large
Folder name: nsw_cobbora
Dataset names: nsw_cobbora nsw_cobbora_lines nsw_cobbora_points
Number of bedrock polygons: 1672
Lithology field:
Time field: age_
Stratigraphy name field: strat_name
Description field: descrip
Comments field: