UWI-Zess / COMP6940-Project

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Hate Crime Analysis


The dataset used for this project is the Hate Crime dataset from the FBI. The dataset can be found here.

  1. FBI Hate Crime Dataset


Look at the Fast API documentation to learn more to learn more.

Uvicorn is used to run the API. Uvicorn is a lightning-fast ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools. Learn more about Uvicorn here.


Make sure to install the dependencies:

pip install uvicorn     

Change the directory to the API folder, example:

cd /Users/user/Desktop/COMP6940-Project/API

Run the API

uvicorn main:app --reload

Open the browser and go to the following URL:

Deployment Services

  1. Railway
  2. Koyeb

API Links

  1. Railway - https://comp6940-project-production.up.railway.app/docs
  2. Koyeb - https://spontaneous-constantine-ishika.koyeb.app/docs

Web App

using nextjs and firebase, vercel for ci/cd