A small library to run Chrome.
./setup install # install npm and third_party tools/libraries
gulp dist # build the library
# Load with a relative path from the root of the node-chrome-runner repo...
var chrome_runner = require('./build/dist/node-chrome-runner/chrome-runner');
# Load if it is in your npm path (e.g. if it's in your package dependencies).
var chrome_runner = require('node-chrome-runner');
# Start chrome; returns the child process as `c1.childProcess`...
var c = chrome_runner.runChrome();
# Console log the path used to start chrome...
# Run chrome with a custom path, and argument to make chrome start
# with user directory `tmp/foo` on Mac...
var c = chrome_runner.runChrome({
versions: [chrome_runner.chromePaths.canary],
processOptions:{stdio: 'inherit'}
# Run chrome with a custom path, and argument to make chrome start
# with user directory `tmp/foo` on Mac...
var c = chrome_runner.runChrome({
path: '/Applications/Google\ Chrome\ Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome\ Canary',
processOptions:{stdio: 'inherit'}
# or use platform found version, but set the user-data dir...
var c = chrome_runner.runChrome({
processOptions:{stdio: 'inherit'}
# Send a close signal to the started chrome.