Create an Authentication app. Use any front-end libraries of your choice (React, Angular, Vue etc.). Create your API. Don’t look at the existing solution. Fulfill user stories below: User story: I can register a new account User story: I can log in User story: I can log in or register with at least one of the following services: Google or Facebook User story: I can sign out User story: I can see my profile details User story: I can edit my details including photo, name, bio, phone, email and password User story: I can upload a new photo or provide an image URL Icon:
Basic Features of The App
- Register – Users can register and create a new profile
- Login - Registered users can login using username and password
- Social Apps Login – Users can login using their GitHub or Google account
- User Profile - Once logged in, users can create and update additional information such as avatar and bio in the profile page
- Update Profile – Users can update their information such as username, email, password, avatar and bio
- Remember me – Cookie Option, users don’t have to provide credentials every time they hit the site
- Forgot Password – Users can easily retrieve their password if they forget it
- Admin Panel – admin can CRUD users
Quick Start
To get this project up and running locally on your computer follow the following steps.
Set up a python virtual environment
Run the following commands
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
- python createsuperuser
- python runserver
Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8000/