A simple way to deploy SailPoint's IdentityIQ into a series of docker containers mimicking the core components of most development environments allowing organizations to get new development team members up on their baseline code in minutes.
Thanks for letting us know! We made some big changes to our website recently and it looks like the path to the image has changed. We'll get this updated soon.
The missing showing SailPoint IdentityIQ Docker CI/CD Process in README.md is missing. It points to a link on GitHub that returns "Not Found".
https://camo.githubusercontent.com/03a0962217646e1da6261c4ff1c1deba3d8400a027a2ce735fa8f37d74adfa0a/68747470733a2f2f7562657265746865722e636f6d2f696d616765732f536c696465342e706e67 is where mine links to.