UbuntuBudgie / iso-builder

Debian Live configuration and scripts for generating ubuntu based images, forked from elementary OS Terraform
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unthemed Try/Install screen in Ubiquity Installer #11

Open fossfreedom opened 8 years ago

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago

Any thoughts why there is no theme applied at this point in the boot process?

spottech commented 8 years ago

I have submitted an issue at hexcube

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago

@HEXcube ... one for you :)

HEXcube commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I couldn't download the xenial-testing build today. :worried: But on the RC iso, when I clicked the Install budgie-remix from the live budgie-desktop session, Ubiquity is properly themed with Arc GTK theme. I used this command

sudo -i ubiquity

to run it as root and still couldn't reproduce the issue. :confused: I'll look into this issue tomorrow when I download the new build image. :relaxed:

spottech commented 8 years ago

This bug is present only in boot without anything selected

HEXcube commented 8 years ago

@spottech Is this a bug with new builds (xenial-testing) or the old ones (release candidate and betas)? @fossfreedom had previously discussed with Antoni (from Pinguy) about Ubiquity failing unless run as root. So, the release candidate and beta2 had install option removed from liveboot menu. Does elementary's build system have this problem? :confused:

spottech commented 8 years ago

@HEXcube You can rebuild the syslinux with xenial sources, keep only png and re write budgie-remix in all txt files :p PS: not build for elementary xenial at now ;)

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago


this is a bug specific to the new isobuilder. The Pinguy mechanism I don't actually ever see this screen appear - I don't know why the Pinguy mechanism doesnt have this screen.

fossfreedom commented 7 years ago

hmm - I'm wondering if its this part of ubiquity that needs a fiddle similar to what mint did for cinnamon

if it is then we'll need to carry our own version of ubiquity ... or if we get official status then we'll need to submit a patch in this area. Need to test this with the iso-testing-builder with our own version of ubiquity

niyasc commented 7 years ago

I wonder how other Ubuntu flavors are handling this issue. Are they using any patch?

fossfreedom commented 7 years ago

given that they are official it looks like from here they have included their ubiquity specifics actually in the main package (lot of "if gnome-shell do this, if kde do that etc") - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/bin/ubiquity-dm

Obviously we can't do that just yet.

fossfreedom commented 7 years ago

fixed in yakkety.

HEXcube commented 7 years ago

Is a backport to Xenial possible? :confused: Not sure if 16.10's Ubiquity would handle 16.04LTS installation without issues

fossfreedom commented 7 years ago

Absolutely no idea. Suggest take the yakkety package and throw it up as a xenial package in about development PPA. Then can use the iso testing within report to create an iso.

HEXcube commented 7 years ago

Did a quick check on ubiquity package info on Launchpad. The Yakkety package's versioning scheme's different from the Xenial one. Seems ubiquity did a major version jump on Yakkety