UbuntuBudgie / iso-builder

Debian Live configuration and scripts for generating ubuntu based images, forked from elementary OS Terraform
GNU General Public License v3.0
20 stars 26 forks source link

ISO Builder

This ISO builder is fork of the good work from the elementary crew. Many thanks to the devs there https://github.com/elementary/os

Building Locally

As ubuntu cinnamon-remix is built with the Debian version of live-build, not the Ubuntu patched version, it's easiest to build an iso in a Debian VM or container. This prevents messing up your host system too.

The following example uses Docker and assumes you have Docker correctly installed and set up:

1) sudo apt install docker.io

2) sudo docker pull debian

3) Customise the docker image to have the ability to build eoan/focal

sudo docker run --privileged -it debian:latest

note the containerID in the root prompt i.e. /# means you are now in the container

e.g. root@ea5126f14ac9:/#

Install git and nano

apt update && apt install git nano -y

Clone the iso-builder

mkdir /home/cinnamonremix

cd /home/cinnamonremix

git clone https://github.com/ubuntubudgie/iso-builder

cd iso-builder

at this point configure etc/terraform.conf for the build you wish to make e.g. 21.10 and impish - ensure you decide between unstable or all PPAs

also edit build.sh and change the symbolic link codename if necessary to match terraform.conf

now run


This will eventually complete - ignore any errors EXCEPT for 404 repository errors.  If you get those then investigate why and once fixed exit and start the instructions again.  This step will take 20-60 minutes depending on your internet speed and host OS CPU power

exit the container and commit the results


You will now be back on your host OS

sudo docker commit containerID 

e.g.   sudo docker commit ea5126f14ac9

Stop the docker container (important step)

sudo docker stop ea5126f14ac9

3) Run the build by starting a container:

sudo docker start -i ea5126f14ac9

You will now be back in the container i.e. with a /# prompt

cd /home/cinnamonremix/iso-builder


This will take approx 20-60 minutes but will depend on your host OS CPU power and internet speed

4) When done, your image will be in the builds folder.

On your host, copy the build folder from your docker container

sudo docker cp containerID:/home/cinnamonremix/iso-builder/builds/amd64 .

Finish by shutting down the container

sudo docker stop containerID

Docker hints

To see the list of docker containers

sudo docker ps -a

To remove a docker container using the Container ID listed with the above command

sudo docker rm containerid

To remove a docker image

sudo docker images

sudo docker rmi imageID

To stop a docker container when running

sudo docker stop containerid

Further Information

More information about the concepts behind live-build and the technical decisions made to arrive at this set of tools to build an .iso can be found on the wiki.