UbuntuBudgie / iso-builder

Debian Live configuration and scripts for generating ubuntu based images, forked from elementary OS Terraform
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Suggested ISO testing guidelines for testers #15

Open apolitech opened 8 years ago

apolitech commented 8 years ago

*This is just a example, the links of the locations of the folders are not 100% accurate. Linux mint use this tipe of testing for a long time.*******

Integrity check

Test case

How to reproduce: Run an integrity check on the medium

ISO label

Test case

How to reproduce:

If the ISO is burnt to a CD, simply insert the CD and check the name of the volume that appears on the desktop. You can also check the label of the ISO file without burning it: Make sure the genisoimage package is installed (it contains the command isoinfo) Type isoinfo -d -i filename.iso in the terminal The ISO label is the value that appears next to "Volume id".

What to expect:

The ISO volume ID (or CD name) should contain: The name "Budgie-remix" The release version The name of the edition The architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) For instance: "Ubuntu Budgie-remix 32-bit"

Plymouth text theme

Test case

How to reproduce:

Launch the liveCD At the isolinux menu, press Tab to edit the boot line insert the option plymouth:splash=budgie-text Boot with that modified line

What to expect:

The resulting splash screen should be properly branded for Ubuntu Budgie-remix or not branded at all

Plymouth text theme

Test case

How to reproduce:

Launch the liveCD, wait for the splash screen. What to expect:

  1. The splash screen should be properly branded for Budgie-remix.
  2. The background color should be xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

    Network Manager / Wicd

    Test case

    How to reproduce:

Check the system tray.

What to expect:

It should contain a network manager or an instance of Wicd.

Kernel metapackage

Test case

How to reproduce:

Make sure linux-kernel is installed and that no ubuntu kernel metapackages are present: linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image linux-headers

What to expect:

Typically, 5 packages should be installed: linux-kernel-generic linux-image-x.x.x.x-generic linux-image-extra-x.x.x.x-generic linux-headers-x.x.x.x-generic linux-headers-x.x.x.x where x.x.x.x-generic corresponds to uname -r.

Clean root dir

Test case

How to reproduce:

ls -al /

What to expect:

Check that there are no files left-over in / by the maintainer.


Test case

How to reproduce:

Make sure /sbin/initctl is present: ls -al /sbin/initctl


Test case

How to reproduce:

Check for the presence of: /etc/apt/preferences.d/official-package-repositories.pref /etc/apt/preferences.d/official-extra-repositories.pref

What to expect:

These two files should be there.

LSB and info file

Test case

How to reproduce:

Check /etc/issue, /etc/issue.net, /etc/lsb-release and /etc/budgie-remix/info.

What to expect:

etc/issue Budgie-remix \n \l /etc/issue.net Budgie-remix /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID= Budgie-remix DISTRIB_RELEASE= DISTRIB_CODENAME= <-- no capital letters, very important.. DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=" Budgie-remix " /etc/linuxmint/info RELEASE= CODENAME= <-- no capital letters, very important.. DESCRIPTION="Budgie-remix " DESKTOP= TOOLKIT= NEW_FEATURESURL=http://www.xxxxxxx.com/rel_whatsnew.php RELEASE_NOTESURL=http://www.xxxxxxxxx.com/rel.php USER_GUIDE_URL=help:budgie-remix GRUB_TITLE= Budgie-remix -bit Additional notes: Links aren't valid until a few days before the release, so don't worry if you get a 404 error while testing... you're just ahead of the game :)

LSB and info file

Test case

How to reproduce:

Hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.

What to expect:

Xorg should restart.

Additional notes:

In Virtualbox, use the Input->Keyboard menu and select "Insert Ctrl-Alt-Backspace".

Localized installation

How to reproduce:

Perform an installation in a language other than English, using a keyboard layout other than US or GB...

What to expect:

You should expect the following during the installation: During the installation, the installer should download the language packs for the language you selected. You should expect the following from the installed system: The login manager should use the foreign keyboard layout The login manager should show up in the foreign language The desktop should show up in the foreign language mintWelcome should show up in the foreign language The terminal should use the foreign keyboard layout

Additional notes:

The layout for on-screen keyboards is fixed.

Installation with custom-partitioning

Test case

How to reproduce:

Perform an installation using custom-partitioning (where you define new partitions in the installer, or point to existing partitions using the "custom partitioning" option).

What to expect:

A successful install.

Installation with custom-partitioning

Test case

How to reproduce:

Perform an installation using custom-partitioning (where you define new partitions in the installer, or point to existing partitions using the "custom partitioning" option).

What to expect:

A successful install.

Other OS in Grub

Test case

How to reproduce:

Perform a multi-boot install on a system that already contains one or many other operating systems.

What to expect:

The resulting Grub boot menu should contain: The other(s) OS A reference to the newly installed system entitled "Ubuntu Budgie-remix -bit” (for instance Ubuntu Budgie-remix 16.10 64 bit)

apt sources

Test case

How to reproduce:

Check the APT sources: /etc/apt/sources.list official repo in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list

What to expect:

You should see the following: cdrom repository (commented or removed post-install) Budgie-remix repository Ubuntu repositories (main, updates, backports and security) Canonical "partner" repository The following components for Ubuntu: main restricted universe multiverse

Additional notes:

Pre-released should not be enabled. Source repos should not be enabled.

apt policy

Test case

How to reproduce:

Type apt policy in a terminal.

What to expect:

Priority 700 for the "upstream" component of the Budgie-remix repositories. Priority 500 for other components and repositories

apt update

Test case

How to reproduce:

Type apt update in a terminal.

What to expect:

No errors.

repository keys

Test case

How to reproduce:

sudo apt-key list

What to expect:

Should contain the key for any repository that is present in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d, including the ones that are commented out.

Additional notes:

Even though some repositories might not be enabled by default, their key should configured by default.

Intel chipset

Test case

How to reproduce:

Boot the live media successfully on a computer with an Intel chipset. Proceed with the installation.

What to expect:

A successfully loaded live session A successful installation A working grub menu and a successful first boot

Nvidia chipset

Test case

How to reproduce:

Boot the live media successfully on a computer with an nvidia chipset. Proceed with the installation.

What to expect:

A successfully loaded live session A successful installation A working grub menu and a successful first boot

ATI chipset

Test case

How to reproduce:

Boot the live media successfully on a computer with an ATI chipset. Proceed with the installation.

What to expect:

A successfully loaded live session A successful installation A working grub menu and a successful first boot

Boot Hybrid ISO via USB

Test case

How to reproduce:

Write the ISO image to USB using gtk-usb-creator.

What to expect:

The resulting USB stick should boot successfully.

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago

alot of this is not applicable - linux mint does stuff in its own way - not strictly following official derivative build and packaging methods. e.g. not needed kernel metapackage, apt policy, installation with (custom) partitioning (all handled by ubiquity), apt-preferences-d, clean root,

I only have intel hardware - so cannot test ATI and NVIDIA - we have to assume testers should test these.

apolitech commented 8 years ago

this a more a how to test and what to test for testers ........ you get the ideea. it will be nice to have something like this that testers, that will help them in the lines of what and how should test . And for you to know what kinde of problems the os haves. See it from my perspectiv. i will help your project but i dont realy have a guideline and i dont realy want to spend time looking for bugs that are not in the core or the interface (like apps) Or if you want to test alone in your own way and not get any help it's fine by me

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago

k - you could have led with that is was a suggestion. As an initial look-see, good guidelines. Needs cleaning up as per my previous comment. Then we can add this as a wiki entry and link to it when asking testers what to look out for and how to test the ISOs.