Ueland / VikingBot

Vikingbot is yet another simple PHP based IRC bot with support for plugins and secure IRC servers. The bot requires Unix/Linux shell access with PHP support and SSL support in PHP for use against secure IRC servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
40 stars 6 forks source link


VikingBot is yet another simple PHP based IRC bot with support for plugins and secure IRC servers.
The bot requires Unix/Linux shell access with PHP and SSL support in PHP for use against secure IRC servers.


  1. copy config.dist.php to config.php cp config.dist.php config.php
  2. update config.php with correct settings nano config.php (undeclared settings will be declared by config.dist.php)
  3. run the start script sh start.sh
  4. check log output cat logs/vikingbot.log

You can define different config files: sh start.sh config=anotherConfigFile.php


The following commands are supported out of the box (aka they are not controlled by plugins):

The following commands are supported via the plugins that are installed by default:


The following plugins are installed by default:


Links to other plugins for VikingBot:

Make sure to install your plugins into the thirdparty-plugins folder so git ignores them!


If you wish, you can format text the bot sends to a channel/user via your plugins. Use any of the following codes to apply the relevant text color or format. The text will keep the given format until either end of string, or the {reset} tag.

Available colors:
{white}, {black}, {blue}, {green}, {red}, {darkRed}, {purple}, {orange}, {yellow}, {lime}, {teal}, {cyan}, {lightBlue}, {pink}, {grey} & {lightGrey}

Other tags:
{reset}, {bold} & {underline}

"{bold}i am bold and {red}red{reset}, but now i am normal"

PS: Different IRC-clients may display colors differently, some servers may even deny color usage!


Feel free to contact me via IRC on EfNet/Freenode/Undernet (Ueland).