UffizziCloud / uffizzi_controller

A smart proxy service that handles requests from the Uffizzi API to the Kubernetes API
Apache License 2.0
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Uffizzi Resource Controller

A smart proxy service that handles requests from Uffizzi API to the Kubernetes API

This application connects to a Kubernetes cluster to provision users' ephemeral environments (deployment workloads) on their behalf. While it provides a documented REST API for anyone to use, it's designed to be used with the open-source Uffizzi API (uffizzi).

Installing Uffizzi Platform

To install the open-sourece version of Uffizzi, which includes this controller, see the official documentation.

Uffizzi Architecture Overview

For a detailed overview of Uffizzi architecture, see the official documenation.

Uffizzi consists of the following required components:

Controller Design

This uffizzi_controller acts as a smart and secure proxy for uffizzi and is designed to restrict required access to the k8s cluster. It accepts authenticated instructions from other Uffizzi components, then specifies Resources within the cluster's control API. It is implemented in Golang to leverage the best officially-supported Kubernetes API client.

The controller is required as a uffizzi supporting service and serves these purposes:

  1. Communicate deployment instructions via native Golang API client to the designated Kubernetes cluster(s) from the Uffizzi interface
  2. Provide Kubernetes cluster information back to the Uffizzi interface
  3. Support restricted and secure connection between the Uffizzi interface and the Kubernetes cluster

Example story: New Preview


This controller specifies custom Resources managed by popular open-source controllers:

You'll want these installed within the Cluster managed by this controller.


Environment Variables

You can specify these within credentials/variables.env for use with docker-compose and our Makefile. Some of these may have defaults within configs/settings.yml.

Kubernetes API Server Connection

This process expects to be provided a Kubernetes Service Account within a Kubernetes cluster. You can emulate this with these four pieces of configuration:

Once you're configured to connect to your cluster (using kubectl et al) then you can get the value for these two environment variables from the output of kubectl cluster-info.

Add those two environment variables to credentials/variables.env.

The authentication token must come from the cluster's cloud provider, e.g. gcloud config config-helper --format="value(credential.access_token)"

The server certificate must also come from the cluster's cloud provider, e.g. gcloud container clusters describe uffizzi-pro-production-gke --zone us-central1-c --project uffizzi-pro-production-gke --format="value(masterAuth.clusterCaCertificate)" | base64 --decode

You should write these two values to credentials/token and credentials/ca.crt and the make commands and docker-compose will copy them for you.


While developing, we most often run the controller within a shell on our workstations. docker-compose will set up this shell and mount the current working directory within the container so you can use other editors from outside. To login into docker container just run:

make shell

All commands in this "Shell" section should be run inside this shell.


After making any desired changes, compile the controller:

go install ./cmd/controller/...



Test Connection to Cluster

Once you've configured access to your k8s Cluster (see above), you can test kubectl within the shell:

kubectl --token=`cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token` --certificate-authority=/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt get nodes

Tests, Linters

In docker shell:

make test
make lint
make fix_lint

External Testing

Once the controller is running on your workstation, you can make HTTP requests to it from outside of the shell.

Ping controller

curl localhost:8080 \

Remove all workload from existing environment

This will remove the specified Preview's Namespace and all other Resources.

curl -X POST localhost:8080/clean \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ "environment_id": 1 }'

Online API Documentation

Available at http://localhost:8080/docs/

Installation within a Cluster

Functional usage within a Kubernetes Cluster is beyond the scope of this document. For more, join us on Slack or contact us at info@uffizzi.com.

That said, we've included a Kubernetes manifest to help you get started at infrastructure/controller.yaml. Review it and change relevant variables before applying this manifest. You'll also need to install and configure the dependencies identified near the top of this document.