UgisL / flowMSE

This software is a script compilation for FreeFem++ <> created within our work on effective/averaged description of porous and poroelastic materials.
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This is README file of software repository flowMSE

This software is a script compilation for FreeFem++ created within our work on homogenised description of textured, porous and poroelastic materials.


This software repository currently has two software packages, connected with different scientific contributions: Porous_full_bc2ifScales -- software determining coefficients in boundary conditions for textured and porous structures. It was originally associated with set of boundary conditions obtained through multi-scale expansion as explained in these scientific contributions: <DOI:10.1017/jfm.2016.838> (open-access)

Since April 2019, the routines are being updated to provide coefficients for semi-rigorous higher order boundary conditions, as described in scientific contributions: Poroelastic_fill_strCont -- software for poroelastic structures with bc2ifScales velocity condition and stress continuity condition Associated scientific contributions: (open-access) For more detailed information of each software, consult the corresponding README file within the software directory and corresponding scientific publications.