### GIF-Caption-Creator is a pack of scripts providing widely customizable [GIF caption](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/gif-captions) generation.
## Capabilities
| | iFunny App | `GIF-Caption-Creator` |
| PNG Captions | ✔️ | ✔️ |
| GIF Captions | ✔️ | ✔️ |
| MP4 Captions | ✔️ | ✔️ |
| Image optimization | ❌ | ✔️ |
| Custom Fonts | ❌ | ✔️ |
| Emoji support | ✔️ | ✔️ |
| Crop support | ✔️ | ❌ |
| Graphical User Interface | ✔️ | ❌
| Batch Processing | ❌ | ✔️ |
## Completed & Planned Features
- ✔️ PNG Captions
- ✔️ GIF Captions
- ✔️ Local file support
- ✔️ GIF size reduction
- ✔️ Custom fonts support
- ✔️ Transparent GIF support
- ❌ [Program Showcase](http://youtube.com/watch?v=r8KTluI9Q5Q) ([Broken Colab](http://youtube.com/watch?v=Uf-D2iEOvDU))
- ❌ Colab Notebook
- ✔️ Emoji support
- ✔️ Automatic text wrap
1 - Please look at [Custom Fonts](http://github.com/UhhhAaron/GIF-Caption-Creator/wiki/Custom-Fonts) section in wiki.
2 - Problems with wrap height might occur.
## Requirements
- [`Python >= 3.7`](http://www.python.org/downloads)
- [`Pillow >= 5.1.0`](http://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow) - Making images
- [`requests >= 2.13`](http://github.com/psf/requests) - URL fetching
- [`emoji >= 0.4.5`](http://github.com/carpedm20/emoji) - Text to emoji support
- [`clipboard >= 0.0.4`](http://github.com/terryyin/clipboard) - Clipboard values handling
- [`sty >= 0.0.4`](https://github.com/feluxe/sty) - Colored prints
- [`colour >= 0.1.5`](https://github.com/vaab/colour) - Colored text values handling
- [`unidecode`](http://github.com/avian2/unidecode) - [Text normalization](http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_normalization#Techniques)
- [`distro >= 1.7`](https://github.com/python-distro/distro)
1 - Directory opening helper
- [`pyshortcuts >= 1.8`](https://github.com/newville/pyshortcuts) - Shortcuts making
Packages (bold links are **Windows** static executable binaries):
- [**`FFmpeg >= 4.2.0`**](http://videohelp.com/software/ffmpeg/old-versions) - Since `PIL.ImageSequence.Iterator` messes up the frames colors.
- [**`Gifsicle >= 1.92-2`**](http://eternallybored.org/misc/gifsicle/releases) - **Check after 64-bit if possible!** ([`Scale_Back`](http://github.com/kubinka0505/iFunny-Captions/wiki/Known-Issues-%F0%9F%93%9D%F0%9F%90%9B#4-scale_back-option-doesnt-work) option)
- [**`PNGQuant >= 2.14`**](http://pngquant.org/#download) *(optional)*
- [**`OxiPNG >= 5.0.1`**](https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/releases) *(optional)*
- [`Python3-PIP`](http://packages.debian.org/sid/python3-pip)
- [`Python3-TK`](http://packages.debian.org/sid/python3-tk)
1 - Required on Linux
## Linux Installation & Usage
`sudo apt-get install git python3-apt python3-pip python3-tk ffmpeg pngquant gifsicle`
**For non-Debian distros, use the equivalent package manager to install these dependencies.**
1. Clone the repository and move to its directory.
git clone http://github.com/UhhhAaron/GIF-Caption-Creator
cd iFunny-Captions
2. Install required modules by inputting `pip install -r requirements.txt`
3. Allocate [the required files](http://github.com/UhhhAaron/GIF-Caption-Creator#requirements-) to `PATH` system environment variable.
4. Modify the parameters in the `Config.json` file. [Its documentation can be found here](http://github.com/UhhhAaron/GIF-Caption-Creator/wiki/Configuration-Documentation).
5. Open shell script file named `Run`. Supports positional arguments - type `python iFunny_Captions.pyw -h` for more.
6. Output should be in the `Images` folder.
## Support
This project was tested on:
| OS | Python Version |
Windows 10 | 3.7.6
[**If there are problems, create an issue here.**](http://github.com/UhhhAaron/GIF-Caption-Creator/issues/new/choose)
### Supported GIF services
Be sure to copy the **raw image URL**.
Tenor |
Giphy |
Gfycat |
Tumblr (GIFV ) |
ImgFlip |
GifImage |
BestAnimations |
GifFinder |
ReactionGIFs |
### Comparisons
- | iFunny Android App | `GIF-Caption-Creator` |