The main entry point should be 'src' rather than 'src/init'
-ensures that the correct entry file is used when the package is imported or executed.
Brief Description of your Changes.
Describe what you did here. Additionally, you should link any relevant issues within this section. If there is no corresponding issue, you should include relevant information (repro steps, motivation, etc) here.
Impact of your Changes
What implications will this have on the project? Will there be altered behavior or performance with this change?
Tests Performed
What have you done to ensure this change has the least possible impact on the project?
The main entry point should be 'src' rather than 'src/init'
-ensures that the correct entry file is used when the package is imported or executed.
Brief Description of your Changes.
Describe what you did here. Additionally, you should link any relevant issues within this section. If there is no corresponding issue, you should include relevant information (repro steps, motivation, etc) here.
Impact of your Changes
What implications will this have on the project? Will there be altered behavior or performance with this change?
Tests Performed
What have you done to ensure this change has the least possible impact on the project?
Additional Comments
Anything else you feel is relevant.