All code must be written in the English language
Follow PyCharm style recommendations
Commit names must be clear and informative
Progress must be tracked with GitHub Projects (
File names use lowercase without spaces
Class names use PascalCase
Function names use camelCase
Variable names use snake_case
Function and command names start with an action verb (get, set, move, start, stop...)
Commands and subsystems inherit from SafeCommand and SafeSubsystem
Download the latest Miniconda version on your computer with the following link (
Open Anaconda Prompt
Run the following commands to make sure everything is up to date:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda update conda
conda update python
Run the following command to create an environment named "frc2023":
conda create -n frc2023 python=3.11
Add the environment to the interpreter on PyCharm
Run the following command on the PyCharm terminal to add the requirements
pip install robotpy[commands2,navx,rev,sim,apriltag,photonvision] numpy
To update robotpy :
pip install --upgrade robotpy[commands2,navx,rev,sim,apriltag,photonvision]