UltraCakeBakery / kit-forms

Make complex <form>'s easy to make and validate in SvelteKit.
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kit-forms - NPM License npm version

Quickly generate secure, progessively enhanced <form>'s in your SvelteKit project.

๐Ÿงช This library is a release-candidate state. Though all advertised features have been added and the documentation is being finalized, minor changes and bugs are still to be expected.


To use this library effectively you need a basic understanding of SvelteKit and its form actions workflow. This library supports edge runtimes and is cross-browser compatible. You can check our supported browsers list and caveats in the apendix of this documentation


Creating and processing forms in SvelteKit is a hassle. It takes a lot of time to finetune even the most basic forms with a just a couple input fields. If you ever tried building complex SvelteKit apps, you can probably still see all those try { const FormData = await event.request.formData(); } catch(error) { console.log(error)} when you close your eyes.

What is kit-forms

kit-forms is a library that provides to you a simple API for quickly generating user-friendly, progessively enhanced

elements. All generated forms are guaranteed to work when javascript is unavailable by automatically falling back to native browser formvalidation when possible.

On the serverside kit-forms automatically parses the incoming FormData for you, so you do not need to await event.request.formData(). If any error occures while parsing, kit-forms will handle that error for you. When parsing the FormData is complete, kit-forms will validate the FormData against the exact same validations as the <form> in the browser did if javascript were to be available. If there is any discrepancy (which can occure when a user manipulates the form or uses a HTTP client like PostMan to post unexpected data) kit-forms will automatically throw errors back tot he form, displaying error messages under their corrosponding fields.

TL:DR; When using kit-forms you can quickly generate forms that are fast, safe, secure and a joy to use. The only backend code you need to write is serverside-only security checks and data processing. kit-forms does all the boring and annoying stuff :D

NOTE: This library does not offer any stylesheets, CSS resets or additional validation packages. There are no default styles applied to the out-of-the-box components that are generated/shipped with this library.


You can use your package manager of choice to install this package from npm.

$: npm install kit-forms --save-dev
$: pnpm install kit-forms --save-dev
$: yarn add kit-forms --dev

How to use

This library expects you to follow a design pattern that fits right in how SvelteKit's "We should try to cramp everything, including your mom, in that src/routes folder" mentallity.

A lot is done for you out of the box. The only thing you need to do is configure your forms and their fields, place the generated form component in your layouts / pages their components and finally handle optionally process the FormData on the serverside.

STEP 1/3: Creating your forms

To create a form you can use our create method as shown in the example below. We recommend you keep all your forms located in the src/routes directory, but you are free to put it wherever you want, like src/lib or your own src/forms folder for example.

// forms.js
import { create } from 'kit-forms';

export default create({
    login: {
        fields: {
            email: {
                type: 'email',
                required: true,
                placeholder: 'john.doe@example.com',
            password: {
                type: 'password',
                placeholder: '************',
                required: true,
                    'Pick a safe and secure password that has a minimum length of 8 characters, and includes atleast one uppercase, lowercase, number and special character.',
                validate: {
                    minLength: 8,
                    hasLowercase: true,
                    hasUppercase: true,
                    hasNumbers: true,
                    hasSpecial: true
STEP 2/3: Mounting your forms

Import the forms.js file into the +layout.svelte and/or +page.svelte components in which you want to place the forms, mount the generated form component and optionally setup automatic snapshots:

    import forms from './forms.js';

    export const snapshot = forms.snapshot; // This is optional!

<svelte:component this={forms.login} />
STEP 3/3: Handling form submisisons on the serverside (optional)

Import the forms.js file into your +page.server.js, generate the actions using the forms.createActions helper and process the form yourself. Remember: all forms have already been validated the same way they have been in the frontend. It is now up to you to do any crytical security checks yourself that can only take place on the serverside:

// +page.server.js
import forms from './forms.js';
import { fieldError } from 'kit-forms';

export const actions = forms.createActions({
    login: async (event, { formData }) => {
        const email = formData.get('email');

        // This will throw an error shown below the email field.
        if (email === 'elon@twitter.com')
            throw fieldError('email', 'Only if you give me a free space ride I will let you in.' );


And that's it!


The default form component has a name attribute. You can use this fact in combination with :global to style each form individually like so:

    :global(form[name="login"] label) {
        font-weight: bold;

Use inspect element to see the wrapper divs, which you can apply flex boxes on (or something else if that floats your boat, pun intended) to (for example) position the labels correctly.


Validation takes place both on the client side, as the serverside if you use our enhanced actions, automatically. By default fields only display errors when they lose focus, and after the form has been (attemted to be) submitted. You can read more about how you can do serverside valiation below.


Out of the box we offer tons of validation options, and add new ones every day. This makes it so that you rarely have to install an additional library. We even offer helper functions to determine password strength, chance of a string being spam and more.

minLength: number maxLength: number hasLength: boolean minUppercase: number maxUppercase: number hasUppercase: boolean minLowercase: number maxLowercase: number hasLowercase: boolean minNumbers: number maxNumbers: number hasNumbers: boolean minSpecial: number maxSpecial: number hasSpecial: boolean minRegexMatches: number maxRegexMatches: number hasRegexMatch: boolean isEmail: boolean isSame: string

Custom validations

Simply pass a (value, field, form) => true function and do your own checks there. NOTE: these are shared with the client! do not include sensitive data in here, or checks that can only run on the serverside! Read the next section for password checks and such:

Serverside validation

Any clientside validation automatically happens on the serverside too. Any additional serverside only validation must happen in the actions handler. We do not offer any abstractions for this. We do however automatically map errors thrown using fail to their corrosponding form inputs.

// +page.server.js
import forms from './forms.js';
import { fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';

const blacklist = ['spam@test.com'];

export const actions = forms.createActions({
    login: async (event, form) => {
        if (blacklist.includes(form.data.get('email')))
            throw fail(400, { email: 'Email is blacklisted. Please use a different one.' });

        // ...


By default all forms and all their fields are stored in snapshots. This also includes passwords, for which you will be warned in your console. To apply snapshots automatically export let snapshot = forms.snapshot to the page that contains the forms.

Configuring snapshots

To disable snapshots for one form or specific fields, set snapshot to false on their corrosponding config objects:

// forms.js
import { create } from 'kit-forms'

export default create(
        name: 'login',
        snapshot: false, // turns off snapshot for the entire form
        fields: {
            password: {
                snapshot: false, // turns off snapshot for only this field

Custom form and field components

To set your own form or field components, just overwrite them in the config:

// forms.js
import { create } from 'kit-forms'
import Form from '$lib/Form.svelte' // your own form component
import FormField from '$lib/FormField.svelte' // your own form component

export default create(
        name: 'login',
        component: Form,
        fields: {
            password: {
                component: FormField,