UltraStar-Deluxe / songs

Creative Commons licensed song packages for sing-along karaoke
13 stars 6 forks source link

Songs repository

This is a repository for free and openly licensed songs in ultrastar format for usage in sing-along karaoke games.

Legal note

Do not add any song data to this repository unless you are the sole creator or you have written permission by the licensor / copyright holder to do so. Do not add any songs to this repository without also providing legally valid and correct licensing details. As contributor to this repository, it is your own responsibility to comply with any legal requirements in your country and to comply with any GitHub rules & terms. If there is any content in this repository without legal permission, please send an email to copyright@usdx.eu and also create a new issue in the issue tracker.

Repository structure

Where What
/ Main repo folder. Try to not add any new files here, but instead place them in a fitting subfolder.
/Demo Samples/ Song packs for demonstration- or development-purposes
/Public Domain/ Song packs that are completely licensed under Public Domain or compatible licenses
/Creative Commons/ Song packs licensed under a variation of Creative Commons or compatible.

Song package structure

Each song in this repository has to follow this structure:

Media formats

For video files, use h264 encoding and mp4 packaging. Keep the file size small. Remove any audio stream from the video file. Provide a link to a third party video hosting platform or video sharing service in the song.txt file as #VIDEOSOURCE tag instead of adding any big video files to this repository here, if necessary for good quality. For audio files, target 192Kb/s CBR MP3 or 192Kb/s OGG Vorbis. All audio files should be stereo only. Cover image files should be small, but not smaller than 400x400px in height and width. Background images should target 1920x1080px size.