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## About Laravel
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:
Application Setup
- PHP version that is being used for the development of the application is 7.4.19.
- MYSQL version being used during the development is 5.7.33.
- You will need to install any local server like (XAMP, Laragon, Wamp) etc.
- You will need to install composer in your system as it is required to run a Laravel application.
For setting up Laravel project
Go to GitHub and move to your repository. Clone the code in the git repository. After cloning, open up the application code inside an IDE like VS Code and do the following.
Environment and Database Setup
Laravel environment settings have been saved in the .env.example
file. In this step, we configure the Application settings.
We need to fill in the following details to set the environment:
- App Name
- App URL:
http://xyz.com/(root directory folder name)
- Database Connection
- Database Host
- Database Port
- Database Name
- Database User Name
- Database Password
Create a new database inside MYSQL. Once everything is set, go to the application folder and open the terminal.
There is a database backup also available inside the project folder. If you import the backup, you can skip points 3 and 4.
Run the following commands to proceed:
- composer install
- php artisan optimize
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan db:seed
- php artisan serve
With composer install
it will install the required packages.
With php artisan optimize
it will clear cache and configurations.
With php artisan migrate
it will migrate database tables to your newly created database inside MYSQL.
With php artisan db:seed
it will update tables with data for users, roles, and permissions.
With php artisan serve
you will be able to run the project in a local environment.
Once the application is started, visit http://localhost:8000/login (the port can be different in your case).
After logging in, you will start seeing the response.
To login to the system use the following credentials
For Super Admin
- Email:
- Password:
For Admin
- Email:
- Password:
API Documentation
Middleware Flow
Device Check
Method: Middleware
Route: check.device
Description: Ensures the request is coming from a verified device.
Sanctum Authentication
Method: Middleware
Route: auth
Description: Protects routes requiring user authentication via Laravel Sanctum.
Additional Middleware
Method: Middleware
Route: auth, verified, permissions
Description: Ensures user authentication, email verification, and proper permissions.
Authentication Flow
Display Login Page
Method: GET
Route: /login
Description: Display login page.
Controller: AuthController@show
User Registration
Method: POST
Route: /auth/register
Description: Registers a new user.
Controller: AuthController@store
User Login
Method: POST
Route: /auth/login
Description: Authenticates a user.
Controller: AuthController@login
User Logout
Method: POST
Route: /auth/logout
Description: Logs out the user.
Controller: AuthController@logout
Retrieve Authenticated User
Method: GET
Route: /user
Description: Retrieves the authenticated user's information.
Controller: function (Request $request) { return $request->user(); }
User Management Flow
List Users
Method: GET
Route: /users
Description: Lists all users.
Controller: UserController@index
Create User
Method: GET
Route: /users/create
Description: Displays form to create a new user.
Controller: UserController@create
Store User
Method: POST
Route: /users
Description: Stores a new user.
Controller: UserController@store
Show User
Method: GET
Route: /users/{user}
Description: Shows a single user.
Controller: UserController@show
Edit User
Method: GET
Route: /users/{user}/edit
Description: Displays form to edit user information.
Controller: UserController@edit
Update User
Method: PUT
Route: /users/{user}
Description: Updates user information.
Controller: UserController@update
Delete User
Method: DELETE
Route: /users/{user}
Description: Deletes a user.
Controller: UserController@destroy
Permission Management Flow
List Permissions
Method: GET
Route: /permissions
Description: Lists all permissions.
Controller: PermissionController@index
Create Permission
Method: GET
Route: /permissions/create
Description: Displays form to create a new permission.
Controller: PermissionController@create
Store Permission
Method: POST
Route: /permissions
Description: Stores a new permission.
Controller: PermissionController@store
Show Permission
Method: GET
Route: /permissions/{permission}
Description: Shows a single permission.
Controller: PermissionController@show
Edit Permission
Method: GET
Route: /permissions/{permission}/edit
Description: Displays form to edit permission information.
Controller: PermissionController@edit
Update Permission
Method: PUT
Route: /permissions/{permission}
Description: Updates permission information.
Controller: PermissionController@update
Delete Permission
Method: DELETE
Route: /permissions/{permission}
Description: Deletes a permission.
Controller: PermissionController@destroy
Role Management Flow
List Roles
Method: GET
Route: /roles
Description: Lists all roles.
Controller: RoleController@index
Create Role
Method: GET
Route: /roles/create
Description: Displays form to create a new role.
Controller: RoleController@create
Store Role
Method: POST
Route: /roles
Description: Stores a new role.
Controller: RoleController@store
Show Role
Method: GET
Route: /roles/{role}
Description: Shows a single role.
Controller: RoleController@show
Edit Role
Method: GET
Route: /roles/{role}/edit
Description: Displays form to edit role information.
Controller: RoleController@edit
Update Role
Method: PUT
Route: /roles/{role}
Description: Updates role information.
Controller: RoleController@update
Delete Role
Method: DELETE
Route: /roles/{role}
Description: Deletes a role.
Controller: RoleController@destroy
Associate Permissions to Role
Method: POST
Route: /roles/rolePermissionAssociation/{id}
Description: Associates permissions to a role.
Controller: RoleController@association
Get Role Permissions
Method: GET
Route: /roles/getRolePermissions/{id}
Description: Retrieves permissions associated with a role.
Controller: RoleController@rolePermissions
Page Management Flow
List Pages
Method: GET
Route: /pages
Description: Lists all pages.
Controller: PageController@index
Create Page
Method: GET
Route: /pages/create
Description: Displays form to create a new page.
Controller: PageController@create
Store Page
Method: POST
Route: /pages
Description: Stores a new page.
Controller: PageController@store
Show Page
Method: GET
Route: /pages/{page}
Description: Shows a single page.
Controller: PageController@show
Edit Page
Method: GET
Route: /pages/{page}/edit
Description: Displays form to edit page information.
Controller: PageController@edit
Update Page
Method: PUT
Route: /pages/{page}
Description: Updates page information.
Controller: PageController@update
Delete Page
Method: DELETE
Route: /pages/{page}
Description: Deletes a page.
Controller: PageController@destroy
Configuration Management Flow
List Configurations
Method: GET
Route: /configurations
Description: Lists all configurations.
Controller: ConfigurationController@index
Create Configuration
Method: GET
Route: /configurations/create
Description: Displays form to create a new configuration.
Controller: ConfigurationController@create
Show Configuration
Method: GET
Route: /configurations/{configuration}
Description: Shows a single configuration.
Controller: ConfigurationController@show
Edit Configuration
Method: GET
Route: /configurations/{configuration}/edit
Description: Displays form to edit configuration information.
Controller: ConfigurationController@edit
Delete Configuration
Method: DELETE
Route: /configurations/{configuration}
Description: Deletes a configuration.
Controller: ConfigurationController@destroy
FAQ Management Flow
List FAQs
Method: GET
Route: /faqs
Description: Lists all FAQs.
Controller: FaqController@index
Create FAQ
Method: GET
Route: /faqs/create
Description: Displays form to create a new FAQ.
Controller: FaqController@create
Store FAQ
Method: POST
Route: /faqs
Description: Stores a new FAQ.
Controller: FaqController@store
Show FAQ
Method: GET
Route: /faqs/{faq}
Description: Shows a single FAQ.
Controller: FaqController@show
Edit FAQ
Method: GET
Route: /faqs/{faq}/edit
Description: Displays form to edit FAQ information.
Controller: FaqController@edit
Update FAQ
Method: PUT
Route: /faqs/{faq}
Description: Updates FAQ information.
Controller: FaqController@update
Delete FAQ
Method: DELETE
Route: /faqs/{faq}
Description: Deletes a FAQ.
Controller: FaqController@destroy
Application Log Management Flow
List Application Logs
Method: GET
Route: /application-logs
Description: Lists all application logs.
Controller: ApplicationLogController@index
Show Application Log
Method: GET
Route: /application-logs/{applicationLog}
Description: Shows a single application log.
Controller: ApplicationLogController@show