UnexpectedMaker / tinypico-helper

MIT License
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TinyPICO Arduino Helper

This library adds some helper functions and useful pin assignments to make coding with TinyPICO & Arduino easier

We will be adding this library to the Arduino IDE library manager once we get closer to shipping the TinyPICOs.

TinyPICO Hardware Pin Assignments

.. code-block:: c++

// APA102 Dotstar
#define DOTSTAR_PWR 13
#define DOTSTAR_DATA 2
#define DOTSTAR_CLK 12

// Battery
#define BAT_CHARGE 34
#define BAT_VOLTAGE 35


Helper functions

.. code-block:: c++

// Class constructor

// Get a *rough* estimate of the current battery voltage
// If the battery is not present, the charge IC will still report it's trying to charge at X voltage
// so it will still show a voltage.
float GetBatteryVoltage();

// Return the current charge state of the battery - we need to read the value multiple times
// to eliminate false negatives due to the charge IC not knowing the difference between no battery
// and a full battery not charging - This is why the charge LED flashes
bool IsChargingBattery();

// Power to the on-board Dotstar is controlled by a PNP transistor, so low is ON and high is OFF
// We also need to set the Dotstar clock and data pins to be inputs to prevent power leakage when power is off
// The reason we have power control for the Dotstar is that it has a quiescent current of around 1mA, so we
// need to be able to cut power to it to minimise power consumption during deep sleep or with general battery powered use
// to minimise unneeded battery drain
void DotStar_SetPower( bool state );

// On-board Dotstar control
void DotStar_Clear();
void DotStar_SetBrightness( uint8_t );
void DotStar_SetPixelColor( uint32_t c );
void DotStar_SetPixelColor( uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b );
void DotStar_Show( void );
void DotStar_CycleColor();
void DotStar_CycleColor( unsigned long wait );
void DotStar_CycleColor();
void DotStar_CycleColor( unsigned long wait );

// Convert R,G,B values to uint32_t
uint32_t Color( uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b );


Example Usage

.. code-block:: c++

#include <TinyPICO.h>

// Interval between internal temperature reads
unsigned long next_temp_read = 0;   // Next time step in milliseconds
uint8_t temp_read_interval = 1000;  // This is in milliseconds

// Initialise the TinyPICO library
TinyPICO tp = TinyPICO();

void setup()
    // Not used

void loop()
    // Cycle the DotStar colour every 25 milliseconds

    // You can set the DotStar colour directly using r,g,b values
    // tp.DotStar_SetPixelColor( 255, 128, 0 );

    // You can set the DotStar colour directly using a uint32_t value
    // tp.DotStar_SetPixelColor( 0xFFC900 );

    // You can clear the DotStar too
    // tp.DotStar_Clear();

    // To power down the DotStar for deep sleep you call this
    // tp.DotStar_SetPower( false );

