Unipisa / corenlp-it

A collection of CoreNLP add-ons and models for Italian.
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A collection of CoreNLP add-on modules and models for processing Italian texts developed by the CoLing Lab Team of University of Pisa.

The CoreNLP-it package provides a collection fo classes and models that are built as an add-on to the Stanford CoreNLP.\ The main purpose of CoreNLP-it is to exploit the CoreNLP framework in order to deal with Italian texts and produce an output that is fully compliant with the Universal Dependencies(UD) guidelines for representation. In particular, the system can deal with multi-word tokens that are often found in Italian text, producing a CoNLL-U output. For what concerns Italian, we built custom annotator classes to deal with tokenization, sentence splitting, lemmatization and Universal PoS tags.

Given the way it is built, the system provides out-of-the-box capability to deal with texts in other languages provided with an UD Treebank. In particular, the system offers the possibility to create basic models for language dependant tasks (tokenization - sentence splitting, lemmatization) directly from an UD Treebank file.


CoreNLP-it hinges on the original CoreNLP structure, by keeping the original usage intact. In particular, three custom annotators have to be specified:

customAnnotatorClass.statTokSent: it.unipi.fileli.colinglab.pipeline.stat_tok_sent.annotator.StatTokSentAnnotator

customAnnotatorClass.upos: it.unipi.fileli.colinglab.pipeline.upos.UPosAnnotator

customAnnotatorClass.udLemma: it.unipi.fileli.colinglab.pipeline.UD_Lemma.UDLemmaAnnotator

In addition, the CLASS PATH for the CoreNLP-it folder has to be specified (e.g. from the -cp argument for the command line usage).

Each custom annotator replaces entirely the original CoreNLP annotator, both for input and output.

Each custom annotator requires its own specific properties.

We strongly suggest to use the properties file by following the CoreNLP guidelines.

An example of command line usage with a properties file:

$ java -cp "<path-to-corenlp-directory>/*:<path-to-corenlp-it>/*" -Xmx4g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -props <path-to-props-file>



StatTokSentAnnotator performs tokenization and sentence splitting on raw texts.

Tokenization and Sentence Splitting are approached simultaneously, by using:

1) a character-based statistical model. The model is trained to recognize each character as either being the begin of a sentence/token (both single-word and multi-word), inside a token, or outside any token.

2) a set of rules to further split multi-word tokens in their respective components in order to improve tokenization accuracy.


The custom annotator has 3 properties:

The custom annotator produces the same output, in term of CoreAnnotations, as the original tokenize and ssplit annotators combined each other.

StatTokSent class

The custom annotator uses a StatTokSent object to perform tokenization and sentence splitting.\ The StatTokSent class performs tokenization on raw texts.\ The StatTokSent class can be called as a standalone (command line) tool to tokenize and split a document into sentences.\ In this case, the class can be called with three arguments:

At this point, the class simply prints to stdout a token-index per line, with sentences separated from a blank line. This function will definitely be improved in the future.

StatTokSentTrainer class

The package includes a utility class to train a new tokenizer-sentence splitter model.\ At the moment, the classifier is implemented by means of the ColumnDataClassifier provided in the Stanford CoreNLP framework.\ The model can be trained using a properties (.props) file. The properties file must contain both ColumnDataClassifier specifications and StatTokSentTrainer specific arguments.\ The default model is trained by using a window size of 4 (i.e. 4 characters before, 4 characters after) and the case (i.e. upper, lower) of the character itself. For this reason, 9 features have to be specified. Each feature must have the .useString flag set to True.\ In order to train with a different window size, both the number of features and the -windowSize argument of the trainer/annotator/class have to be updated accordingly.

Arguments specific to the StatTokSentTrainer are the following:

Note: we plan to update the StatTokSentTrainer class to include a testing function that can test the classifier against a CoNLL-U formatted file.


The UPosAnnotator simply serves the purpose of mapping language specific PoS tags (xPoS) into Universal PoS tags (uPoS) as specified by UD. The UPosAnnotator provides an annotation for the CoreAnnotations.CoarseTagAnnotation.

The annotator requires an external file (included in the distribution for Italian, based on ISDT Treebank) where such mapping is specified.\ The mapping file format is the following: a pair of TAB-separated xPoS and uPoS per line.\ If the mapping is not provided, the UPosAnnotator simply duplicates the xPoS tag (PartOfSpeechAnnotation) onto the uPoS tag (CoarseTagAnnotation).

The annotator has a single argument:

Note: The annotator must be called within the pipeline after the pos tagger annotator.


The UDLemmaAnnotator provides both the LemmaAnnotation and the CoNLLUFeats annotations.\ The annotator relies on an external file containing mapping between forms and lemmas of words.\ In particular, such file must be formatted as follows:

The UDLemmaAnnotator has two arguments:

The UDLemmaAnnotator exploit an UDVocabulary object to identify lemmas from (token, PoS) pairs.

UDVocabulary class

The UDVocabulary class contains methods to build a vocabulary from a text file, serialize it, search it for lemmas given a (token, PoS) pair.\ The UDVocabulary class can be used as a standalone tool to generate serialized vocabularies from files (experimental), and to test performances of a Vocabulary against a CoNLL-U Treebank. The test is performed by measuring accuracy of prediction of lemmas given (Token, PoS) pairs.

In order to use the UDVocabulary class as a standalone (command line) tool, the following arguments can be used:

NB: serialization of the lemma vocabulary from the UDVocabulary class is still experimental.\ We strongly suggest to launch the CoreNLP pipeline and specify a text file and a -serializeTo path, in order to build a model that can be used later directly from the pipeline.


In the package, we provide mapping files for Universal PoS Tags and Lemmas for Italian and a jar file containing models for the statistical tokenization, PoS Tagging and Dependency Parsing.\ The default model for tokenization is trained on the collection of all UD available Treebanks for Italian.\ Models for the Stanford MaxEnt PoS Tagger and Neural Network Dependency Parser are trained on the ISDT treebank.

The Italian models are included in CoreNLP-it.models.jar

A sample properties file with all arguments for each custom annotator is included.


The software is described in:

Bondielli A., Passaro L. C., and A. Lenci. "CoreNLP-it: A UD pipeline for Italian based on Stanford CoreNLP". Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2018).

If you use our software, please cite:

    title={CoreNLP-it: A UD pipeline for Italian based on Stanford CoreNLP},
    author={Bondielli, Alessandro and Passaro, Lucia C. and Lenci, Alessandro},
    booktitle={Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2018)},
    url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2253/paper24.pdf},
    organization={Accademia University Press}